• BallShapedMan@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    Read X times Title

    2 Everybody Lies

    3 Storyworthy

    3 The Design of Everyday Things

    3 Think Again

    2 Beyond Command and Control

    3 Good Strategy/Bad Strategy

    2 First Break All the Rules

    3 Never Split the Difference

    2 Antifragile

    2 Fooled by Randomness

    2 Skin in the Game

    2 Black Swan

    2 Talking To Strangers

    3 Call Center Management on Fast Forward

    4 The Effective Manager

    2 Atomic Habits

    2 Never Eat Alone

    2 An Economist Walks Into a Brothel

    2 The Tipping Point

    3 Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes

    7 Powerful

    3 Effective Hiring Manager

    7 The Total Money Makeover

    2 Dare to Lead

    4 Great at Work

    7 The 4 Disciplines of Execution

    5 Unlearn

    2 The Hard Thing About Hard Things

    2 The Best Service is No Service

    9 The Effective Executive

    5 Financial Intelligence

    2 Understanding Complexity

    2 How to be an Antiracist

    2 Deep Work

    2 Happier Now

    2 The Fearless Organization

    3 Algorithms to Live By

    3 Four Thousand Weeks, Time Management for Mortals

    3 Thinking in Systems

    2 Multipliers

    2 The Scout Mindset

    2 High Conflict

    2 The Prince

    2 Not Nice

    2 The Value of Everything

    2 Born a Crime

    2 Freakonimics

    2 Human Sigma

    2 Getting Things Done

    3 Rework

    2 Linchpin

    2 White Fragility

    2 Complexity

    2 Parenting with Love and Logic

    2 The Five Temptations of a CEO

    2 21 Laws of Leadership

    2 Failing Forward

    2 Our Iceberg is Melting

    2 TNIV Bible

    2 Graveyard Shift and Other Stories

    2 The Dictators Handbook

    2 The First 90 Days

    2 Where the red fern grows.