Please do not listen to this Podcast!!!
You will loose all your friends and family by dumping a metric fuckton of completely out-of-context dino-facts all over your social life.
Trust me, its not gonna be pretty.
I listened to a few episodes and little plastic dinosaurs started appearing in our living room.
Also my three-year-old started speaking in tongues (says my granny because apparently she doesn’t now what a Micropachycephalosaurus is)
Pterodactyls aren’t dinosaurs?
No, they are Ptserosaurs
The Terrible Lizards podcast got a interesting episode about it
Please do not listen to this Podcast!!! You will loose all your friends and family by dumping a metric fuckton of completely out-of-context dino-facts all over your social life.
Trust me, its not gonna be pretty. I listened to a few episodes and little plastic dinosaurs started appearing in our living room. Also my three-year-old started speaking in tongues (says my granny because apparently she doesn’t now what a Micropachycephalosaurus is)
That might be a bit too late for me, I’m about to start on series 5