Seen on reddit and other sources:
Its already 50c or more per kilowatt hour…
On top of the “The Electric Home Rate Plan includes a $15-per-month Base Services Charge”… because people were starting to get 100% of their power from solar and it was “unfair”.
It’s not being used. The neighborhood is using the cheaper transformer, because it fully meets their needs.
They don’t install the big transformer until Cryptoboy moves in and drastically increases the neighborhood’s needs.
Why is the neighborhood evenly paying for that transformer upgrade? Why isn’t Cryptoboy paying for this upgrade?
The transformer is dimensioned based on the max capacity of the houses in the neighbourhood, which are standardised.
100 houses with 200 A main fuse each? Supplied by a 20 000 A transformer (plus safety margin obviously).
If cryptoboy wants a non-standard main fuse size that requires an upgrade of the transformer, he has to pay for that.