Currently ripping my DVDs and building a Jellyfin server. Now on desktop and mobile streaming works fine but the Raspberry Pi 4 + Libreelec + Jellyfin/Jellycon Setup i tried has been somewhat janky - both in terms of navigation and also the framerate drops at times though it isn’t really an issue.

Pretty sure the folks in the Jellyfin Subreddit/Forums would tell me to just get a Firetv stick, so I was more curious what experiences and recommendations you guys have.

Firetv + firewall whitelist?

Fix my Raspi install?

    2 months ago

    Since you’re running on a Pi, you’ll want something that has the most codec compatibility to avoid transcoding. Something like the Nvidia Shield could work, but they haven’t updated it since 2019 and it’s ridiculously expensive. Perhaps check into the AppleTV box as they’ve probably kept up to date on hardware. Sticks should have a lot of compatibility and cheap but you may need to download a different version of a movie/show every now and then due to incompatibility.