I’m posting another comment because you seem to be genuinely interested in discussion the concepts that you are bringing up in your essay. I haven’t yet fully read it, though I have skimmed and will spend some time giving out a fair read.
I do not think that I’ll have much positive in my critical analysis based mainly upon my philosophical orientation (anarchist) and neurodivergence (AuADHD so, have strong feelings about what I perceive as just/unjust ex. hereditary rule is intrinsically unjust). From a writing style/communication perspective, it does seem, at a high level, to be well-written.
I’ll try to remember to get some time to read through the rest of it on the weekend.
I’m posting another comment because you seem to be genuinely interested in discussion the concepts that you are bringing up in your essay. I haven’t yet fully read it, though I have skimmed and will spend some time giving out a fair read.
I do not think that I’ll have much positive in my critical analysis based mainly upon my philosophical orientation (anarchist) and neurodivergence (AuADHD so, have strong feelings about what I perceive as just/unjust ex. hereditary rule is intrinsically unjust). From a writing style/communication perspective, it does seem, at a high level, to be well-written.
I’ll try to remember to get some time to read through the rest of it on the weekend.
Thanks! I’d be happy to hear your thoughts.