Also known as local multi-device games. Are games that you can play by connecting to the same network and play with family. examples:

  • BombSquad
  • Juicy Realm
  • Rusted Warfare
  • Mindustry
  • UFO99
  • Krafteers
  • Mini Militia
  • ReCharge RC

Please tell me about any LAN game that you know of. Appreciate it.

    6 days ago

    Well I’m not sure exactly where this may fall, but I play a very wide library of games over LAN on my KVM. Emulators from the NES era all the way up to PS3 and nintendo switch. I also can play my whole steam library, all from a convenient launcher called EmulationStation (desktop edition)

    The KVM is connected to my Linux PC over its own individual Ethernet wire to the living room TV. It works great and can do 4K and has zero latency problems (at least none that I can notice)