In a romantic relationship or otherwise. I’m being ghosted over a job, so I ask randos on the internet about what they do. WBY?

Edit: Thanks everyone for the advice I’ve been trying to follow. It helps having it reinforced. It’s just hard for several reasons any of which would make it my top choice.

  1. It’s in the city my sister lives in. I haven’t lived near my family since I finished high school
  2. My job is inherently transient; I move every 1-2 years. This one gave me some permanency
  3. I’ve been doing the same thing for the last 10 years. This one gives me additional responsibilities
  4. It’s prestigious and would come with higher pay

I’ll be working on it, but like I said it’s tough. It’s almost like the universe gave me the perfect go fuck yourself.

    8 days ago

    Move on, it’s a sign your not important to the other person, so they are not worth worrying about

    I’ve got a friend who just dips from the conversation for months and shows back up like nothing happened. Now I respond to their new message, but use signals timed message feature to match however long they ghosted the conversation. Disappear for 2 months then ask a question? No problem, the answer is coming in 60 days!

      7 days ago

      As an adult I have tons of friends that I go months without talking to, and then randomly message. Behavior you’re describing is petty and vengeful. It really doesn’t help you personally if you treat relationships like games as you describe.