• 2 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: April 28th, 2024


  • I think it depends on where you live but mine is ATT Prepaid. I pay $300 a year for 16gb, though I only use <5GB month. I have tried:

    • RedPocket (Verizon) - Depolarized too much for data
    • Google Fi - Might be better now but when it switched from a Sprint and TMobile tower it used to drop the call… I havent tried it in many years
    • Verizon - My favorite but I wanted to stop paying so much $$$ Mint - Cheapest plan I had because of sale ($7/month for 6 months). But TMobile service for me where I am isn’t great so wasn’t worth.
    • Cricket - Loved it but just a little more expensive than ATT Prepaid

  • Masters in Nursing. I had a bachelor’s in something else so it was really for the nursing degree. Cannot be a nurse without a degree. Turned out great for me. California pays RNs very well.

    However, I dont always believe higher education is the answer for everyone. Everyone is different.

    What school really does IMO at the very least is train people for some basics:

    • Follow directions (prompts/assignments)
    • Meet deadlines
    • Communicate (Essays, presentations, etc.)
    • Basic Office skills
    • Capacity to read, process, and learn new information
    • Retain new info (tests)
    • Collaboration (group projects)

    So if someone does well in school, I hope they can do the above well.

  • Another fun trick I learned in sales is that if you’re trying to get someone to purchase something, instead of having them focus on whether or not they should get something, change their question to something else.

    For example, I used to sell phones. Instead of having people try to figure out if they want the newest Samsung or not, I would take the phone in two different colors and ask if they liked it in blue or black instead. Putting it in their hands let’s them imagine having the phone already and the question changes from should I purchase this phone to what color do I want?

    I’m quite sure this can translate to other questions and decisions people ask themselves

  • So similar thing I learned in sales. I avoid using the word “help” because if you ask something like “is there anything I can help you with”? The word “help” subconsciously makes them feel like you are implying they are weak, vulnerable, and need assistance. Where as if you ask them “is there anything I can do for you”? The word “do” has a more positive connotation and implies that you are offering a service or a gift, which more people are likely to agree to.