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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 8th, 2023

  • Even if such a thing existed, which given the analysis parameters makes it far too complex for automation (like for instance, how would such a software distinguish between old deleted data still residing in empty space and a vault file hidden in empty space without a follow up analysis of the data itself. It would probably alert the user for something, but the amount of false positives would probably lead an untrained user to ignore the alerts eventually) i would guess it doesn’t, but if it did, it would have to process petabytes every day, from all over the country and the system would have to be maintained, which going by government record of informatics systems, doesn’t seem likely that it would be readily available for everyone that gets stopped at a border stop consistently. It’s like an anti virus search, with all the false positives it comes up with, but 100 times slower, plus the transmission of the entire disk clone file, plus the cloning process itself.

    Moreover the cost of maintaining such a system when 95%+ of the population doesn’t have the know how to use complex data obfuscation measures and LEO rarely obtains information out of these cursory searches for arrests. On published news articles LEO always ends up using snitches, google searches or usage of the TOR network in a given area to catch criminals. Data forensics only come into play later on. Presumably, dollar for dollar, they would probably invest in what works best instead of casting such a wide net.

    In sum, I’m not cleared to know such information, but i am guessing such a thing, while technologically possible, seems economically unfeasible and liable to be used only in specific cases. If i had a border security budget, i would certainly not invest in a mega server to swift through every bit of empty and occupied space of all the randomly selected people for a search that come in through the ports of entry. However i could be wrong.

  • I think you overvalue the skillset of border security. This may seem trivial to you but it’s uncommon to hire people trained to this level of competence and put them at every point of entry. A decent cybersecurity investigator needs a big salary.

    That would probably happen if you were already a suspect of something or a high profile person and they moved in resources for you. No way border security is randomly sweeping for headers and entropy, they basically just look at it with the explorer and clone it, possibly using some software to scan for known security vulnerabilities to access encrypted parts. That would be a court ordered search or a high profile crime investigation, or maybe a really really unlucky day where the expert was already there for another reason, but the rest i agree.

    If your threat model makes you a high profile person, then smuggling data in hidden containers is definitely not the best solution. A non associated personal cloud server is best.

  • Well most recently this year i crossed US borders at the Texas point of entry. I was told expressly to always provide them with my devices, as if i said no thank you i would be denied entry to the US and it would go on the record for future visa applications, which could be denied on grounds of that, thus affecting future assignments. When you get a work visa, you have a time limit to enter the US and if you miss it, you need another. I was told i was completely responsible for any data that third parties could obtain and i would be fired and legally prosecuted if sensitive data was seen by people who did not have security clearance and NDA clearance for the data i was carrying, which border security does not have, even though some US government personnel do have those clearances.

    Fortunately my company provided cloud space for any personal or company data i would be carrying and i wasn’t asked for anything because i came from Europe and i guess they weren’t too suspicious about me, so in the end it wasn’t an issue. Nevertheless, i had to take mandatory corporate training to prepare for any immigration interviews and had to sign specific liability agreements for the data i carry since it is highly sensitive.

    I don’t just work as a liason in the US, but this was the most recent. For the industry i work in, this is pretty standard.

    You can say no, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be consequences, in my case I’d lose my job or lose assignments, which would probably mean I’d be put only on European assignments or demoted to a domestic only position, which would be paid substantially less. So in essence, i can’t really say no nor slack on opsec. Being able to feed my family is more important than protesting on grounds of principle for me. Also i could have issues getting to the US in the future, for any reason that may be, since getting a work visa requires grueling consulate interviews and they check literally everything. It’s one of the most annoying places to get work visas to, even coming from Europe. It took me one year of scheduling and attending interviews to be cleared for it. I was even asked to provide all my personal social media account handles.

  • I guess your company trains to different standards than my company then. A multi national globe operating company can never afford to fire employees for refusing to cooperate with authorities during border checks. At most it can train them to secure data during border crossing.

    If the company i work for did what you suggest, they would fire all their employees in the space of a week or have them all detained or refused entry to countries. They’d lose billions in business. Only a domestic or low volume company can afford having their employees routinely detained at borders in such a manner.

    It just doesn’t make any sense what you’re saying, but you do you bud. All the best.

  • You’re free to do that, but seems like a good way to be put on a list to be harassed more in the future. You make a cop/border agent feel stupid and he/she will make sure to make your life harder.

    The records will show you’re trying different ports of entry and if a border guard doesn’t like you, you will be selected for investigation and getting off that list may take years. Worse, you can be banned from entry for no reason and good luck appealing that.

    Personally i like to treat the customs agents real nice. I call them sir or ma’am, i follow their instructions and i show them a squeaky clean phone and they let me off with a smile at the first port of entry. Being combative with an agent will not change the laws. Moreover if you have obligations to a company, they will not look kindly to this sort of attrition causing delays and will pass you over next time they need someone. This of course means you won’t get paid as much (or, depending on circumstances, at all).

    I agree with the other poster, picking battles is the way to go.

  • They will detain you. I know the US procedure because i was instructed as i worked there as a representative for an overseas company in Europe.

    If you’re a national of the US they will detain you and hold you in detention to ask you questions. During this time your phone will either be cloned or confiscated to be decrypted at a later date. You will be released after a few hours. They will likely not bruteforce it, but rather attempt to use security flaws present in your device/firmware. They will do the same to your laptop.

    If you’re not a national of the US, you will be denied entry and flown back to where you came from. This is common practice in a lot of western countries.

    What you should do is not carry sensitive information across borders, by using a cloud service to sync at your destination or use hidden encrypted containers in your device. Unless you’re involved in terrorism, white collar crime, CSAM or drugs, they will never have people smart enough to find out hidden containers on you.

  • Nobody needs more mod action, especially on stuff like this. Perhaps on CP or bots, but not really here.

    You want lemmy to turn into Reddit and have a super power mod max perma ban you because you didn’t follow rule 54038 of the side bar, but actually it was because the mod didn’t like you and was having a bad day ?

    Me personally I’d prefer someone salty downvoting every post and lose meaningless internet points than having mods riding everyone, increasing the likelihood of runaway abusive mods. The perfect is the enemy of the good enough.

  • It might sound like a pretty obvious thing, but have you tried changing the tools into the “Tabbed ribbon” that office uses instead of the classic old 90s organization scheme in options ?

    I have come to notice that when people who don’t really work with computers very well, in particular boomers, say that they can’t stand LibreOffice, they mean they don’t like the layout of the tools, because they can’t find anything they need. I suppose they just got used to where everything is with modern office.

    Just change it and see if she will like it better. Usually solves it for the boomers i help. Nothing is holding LibreOffice back more than their default layout scheme. They really don’t know their target audience’s pain points AT ALL. Just goes to show why you need to study your users using the product without being explained anything.

    I don’t get why their default is a layout that has been outdated for 24 years. Nostalgia or what? Only really old people who used computers in the 90s a lot will intuitively find it useful.

  • Mullvad has written a post about it Here.


    The desktop versions (Windows, macOS and Linux) of Mullvad’s VPN app have firewall rules in place to block any traffic to public IPs outside the VPN tunnel. These effectively prevent both LocalNet and TunnelVision from allowing the attacker to get hold of plaintext traffic from the victim.

    Android is not vulnerable to TunnelVision simply because it does not implement DHCP option 121, as explained in the original article about TunnelVision.

    iOS is unfortunately vulnerable to TunnelVision, for the same reason it is vulnerable to LocalNet, as we outlined in our blog post about TunnelCrack. The fix for TunnelVision is probably the same as for LocalNet, but we have not yet been able to integrate and ship that to production.

    I gotta say, i am really impressed with Mullvad. They’re not just a VPN seller. They write security compromise bulletins regularly and as soon as vulnerabilities show up and they actively lobby at the EU organs for more privacy laws. They really work and live their identity in every way.

  • NeuronautML@lemmy.mltoMildly Infuriating@lemmy.worldEmail admin
    6 months ago

    The survey fatigue is real. Everyone keeps begging for reviews nowadays. Even random things like public parking.

    I grow resentment at any business begging for reviews. Hire a consultant and third party to auction your service, I’m not doing it for free anymore. Specially because they don’t even read the comments you write or reply. It’s just nonsense an intern will put into an end of quarter ppt for some average mediocre manager.

  • NeuronautML@lemmy.mltoMemes@sopuli.xyzBruh
    9 months ago

    I honestly don’t care about the opinion in the snippet. It’s not meaningful the amount of people not using reusable bags because it’s seen as gay. They exist, but they’re not statistically meaningful at all. It’s irrelevant.

    Plus anyone who says new research has been published and makes a statement without publishing such research is not to be taken seriously. I found the study they were talking about, Gender Bending and Gender Conformity: The Social Consequences of Engaging in Feminine and Masculine Pro-Environmental Behaviors. Basically this conclusion was reached on a self assessment study, based on 150 people reading six short stories of “a day in the live of” and some online written questionnaire. I’ll leave you to it to determine how seriously you think this study demonstrates the aforementioned conclusion.

    I’m talking specifically about the bigotry behind the meme. Trying to pigeonhole people with a false equivalency like that.

  • NeuronautML@lemmy.mltoMemes@sopuli.xyzBruh
    9 months ago

    Let me fix that for you, the overwhelming majority of straight men in medieval/renaissance times in Europe (judging from the ethnicity of the painting and the blue fleur de lis pattern) were agricultural peasants, who dressed in mostly filthy tunics/coifs and if they were lucky, boots, and ate hard bread and vegetables, very rarely meat.

    Some of them were a little better off and wore armor.

    The 1% ultra wealthy dressed like in the picture. So I’m deducing what this picture calls straight actually means very wealthy. Some of the very wealthy were famously gay too so it doesn’t actually make sense.

    It comes off as bigoted because the author seems like he really wanted to make a generalization against straight people, when actually, it’s a minority of people who have this attitude, certainly not representative of straight sexuality, or even men in general. i guess it isn’t bigotry when it’s against a non minority group, right op ?

    Your own internalized bigotry missed the opportunity to make a good point about not using bigotry to prevent oneself from doing their part for climate change. This us vs them mentality is exactly the reason why climate change is a divisive issue and you’re contributing to that divisiveness.

  • From what i read about it, Apple has a walled garden but charges a flat fee for everyone and has no special deals. Everyone pays the same and they make a little money off of the store but also the hardware sold.

    Whereas Google has been caught treating certain parties differently, such as Spotify, something called Project Hug, where they gave extra benefits to parties at risk of leaving the play store, among other unequal dealings.

    So the crux of the question is not about the monopoly itself, but the fact that Google is treating market players differently and throwing its weight around to influence the market to its advantage.

  • Maybe the hole was made for the puddle, who’s to say it wasn’t? Perhaps a large number of coincidental occurrences made it, but there sits the water in a hole that perfectly accommodates it. Something that the people who built the road expected. How can one say it wasn’t the intention of the organization of the universe in a series of probabilities that one day that water would be right on that puddle, in a specific moment in time? Wouldn’t that arguably make the hole made for the water at that point in time ?

    I guess that’s more of a philosophy debate, but honestly until we get more data, it could be anything. All we know is that our long range scanners have not detected advanced civilizations and that doesn’t match our expectations. It could be because they don’t exist, it could be because they’re hiding themselves from us.

    We know very little about alien life at this point and until we have more information, every explanation is possible. Some scientific explanations of the universe or life that were eventually discovered were certainly more wild and vivid than we previously thought before. I’m not saying this is what is necessary happening, just something that could be happening.

  • I think we’re the North Sentinelese of the Milky Way and we’re being purposefully insulated so we develop technologically and sociologically up to a certain point where we’ll be able to join everyone else. I doubt they’ll say anything. That’s the point. In fact i think we’re being shielded as a kindness, possibly protected too. We, as a species, can’t even leave the solar system and return. I’m guessing an advanced enough civilization could create a believable enough reproduction of the universe for us to study.

    I think the difference between the alien UN and our global organization is probably the same level as the difference between our UN and the North Sentinel Island tribal elders.

    It just doesn’t make sense that the galaxy is empty. But my theory is just my best guess. I have no concrete evidence. I do think there are some mighty coincidences around here. For instance, a solar system stocked with several planets and minerals and a long life stable star, almost ideal from all the various star types available. A random meteorite hitting the earth after millions of years of dinosaurs not developing intelligent life. A very logical progression of bodies for a space faring civilization to grow. First the moon, then mars, then venus, etc. A lot of asteroids that seem to zip by Earth but always near miss at an alarming common rate. Jupiter strategically placed to keep Earth safe from a large number of meteors and other celestial bodies.

    I think humans are a benevolent, non intrusive biological experiment by an advanced species or at the very least a protected species in some nature reserve. Them interacting with us could potentially hamper our development. It could be that religions were their previous attempts but didn’t work out so well.