Come to the swiss alps 😊
Come to the swiss alps 😊
I dislike it because many new to Linux go to ubuntu and it forces them to use snap which they don’t even know and have bad day because, like, “why does my download not go in the download folder but in some weird folder somewhere?? Linux is just stupid” while it is just snap that is stupid.
I agree! I liked his videos, but lately, I can’t watch his videos anymore…
I think it is because of the container design which prevents flatpak from accessing the theme. It always made problems for me and I was too lazy to tinker with flatseal 😂😅
Maybe the theme is faulty in a way like not compatible with flatpak. Or you always installed themes as flatpak as well.
😎deal with it
Well, I could say the same about you 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Have you checked what is missing, sometimes people only pick the wanted files from a torrent, so maybe those 5% are just bloat nobody cared to seed as well.
😂I totally see them saying that at a keynote
Yea, I guess Apple is aiming somewhere in this direction by giving new AI Siri all the context information to make you feel that it cares about you 🤔
Microsoft’s Recall as well
There are AI girlfriends in japan long before chatGPT… It does not seem to bad to me. Sad, but not bad.
Wish they had chosen a better title for the article…
And what do you do with this carbonized plastic? Or is it a way to get CO2 out of the air? Or is the example above hust not feasible because it is hard to automate?
They want but they can’t (yet)
😆the plastic does not disappear just because you melt it using a microwave. Or have I understood something wrong?
I don’t think that it is illegal to talk about illegal stuff 🤔 but maybe in some countries, it is, who knows, at least not where I live
Just get yourself a Domain and set up dynDNS or similar, which updates your DNS entry IP address, as soon as it changes.
😌if we just would finally adopt to IPv6…
Well, up there, it does not really matter, what they do down here…