This is why the last step of science is broad consensus, which has solved literally every single example of bad science in this entire thread. All this means is people should pay more attention to sources.
What methodology finally disproved that?
What took you so long
This is as sad as watching the Terminator try to kill people with a broken gun. Alexa, play “in the arms of the angels”
Can someone forward this to Trump’s team
The rocks, in time, compress
Your blood to oil,
Your flesh to coal,
Enrich the soil,
Not everybody’s goal.
What, the little old ladies at the park?
WSL has no direct connection to the host file system. WSL’s drives are virtualized. Which is a real fuckin peach when you just want to copy things to and fro and end up discovering this 😅
Tradition. For instance, in the AV world, when a speakerphone or headset’s mic is muted, it’s common to have a red light on.
That explains the smell
Comparing arbitrary degrees to absolutes. Notice K is the only one without the degree symbol…
Every morning, your brain getting ready to read content relating to your focus of interest from multiple sources on multiple topics from different styles of writers be like
It’s the mass that results in gravity, not the density. A giant cloud of gas will have the same gravitational effects as if it were compressed into its solid phase