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Joined 16 days ago
Cake day: October 6th, 2024


  • I’m bored at work so here’s a sequel and yes I want to see something like this happen lol:

    Nic Cage is relaxing on a beach, gets a call from the top dog Nigerian Prince (Samuel L Jackson), apparently the Pakistani street gang is back and they’re aiming for a huge ransomware attack on the US Treasury in order to steal all the gold from Fort Knox.

    Only North Korea has hackers skilled enough to decrypt such powerful ransomware, but in order to earn Kim Jong Un’s trust, he needs to acquire a wheel of the world’s most aged parmesan.

    It’s in that artic vault full of seeds (“I suppose if you’re repopulating the Earth’s flora you’re gonna need a snack”). They spoof the IP at the seed storage so the Pakistani street gang thinks they finally found the gates to Fort Knox and opens it, at which point they discover that the street gang is actually Google (hence having all the Nigerian prince emails hitting the spam folder after Google robbed them).

    Kim Jong Un gets the cheese, North Korean hackers decrypt all the US money, all of it, because it’s apparently one big file in plaintext (Samuel L Jackson: cackles and says “I’ve heard some shit in my day but you’re the dumbest motherfuckers I’ve ever met” Cage: “You’re just now realizing this?”).

  • Weird screenplay showerthought: Guy’s dinner plans fall through, decides to have a couple brandys at the bar and drunkenly responds to a spam email which turns out to be legit, responds to even more, every single spam email is legit, and ends up traveling the world in order to help a cabal of disenfranchised Nigerian princes recover 28 billion dollars from a Pakistani street gang full of tech-savvy hackers with samurai swords and really fast street bikes. Obviously starring Nicolas Cage

  • I’ve been getting better at making small but meaningful changes to my life by recognizing that a lot of it is simply habit/routine, making an earnest effort at thinking of ways in which I can modify them, and making an earnest effort at applying them.

    Very generally: Think of something I do that I might want to curb, think of why that thing is what I do, think of things I could do that would impede on my ability to do those things, and implement those changes.

    Couple specifics:

    I’m fond of beer. I don’t binge or anything but if it’s in the fridge I’m probably gonna grab one every couple of hours, and that’s not too healthy and kind of a waste of money, so now, when I buy beer I just toss a couple cans in the fridge and put the rest in the cabinet above the fridge. If I run out I’ll toss a couple in the next day. Now I drink a lot less because I’m not gonna drink warm beer and when I open the fridge I see the scarcity and tend to just shut the fridge and walk away.

    I’m an introvert and I love reading about things and events, non-fiction crap, walking around on Wikipedia and stuff. It drives my wife up the wall when I’m doing and I don’t blame her because I’m bad at listening when I’m not giving my full undivided attention, so I removed all my phone chargers except for the one in the bedroom. Now, I just set my alarms and plug in the phone, walk into the other room, get out of that headspace, and engage my wife in conversation.

  • They behave exactly like black mold. They start coalescing in some adjacent space and suddenly BOOM. Online storefront, starts hosting its own servers, that becomes part of the business. Starts building out warehouses, that becomes part of the business. IoT things that run on their servers, then cameras, gobbles up Blink. They even had a pilot project for restaurant delivery, we’ll probably see that again once they can tie it into their parcel delivery fleet

  • We evolved to have that response in a world in which hospitals didn’t exist and in which we faced predation by other animals, and ‘curl into a ball feeling like shit for a couple days’ was the most viable way for the body to handle even the most mundane of infections (all the other ideas didn’t make the cut and here we are). But now, 21st century, we’re like ‘oh it’s just the cold’ and actively attempt to mitigate it.

    A slew of other things are still stuck in 20,000BC as well, like our bodies not being able to deal with copious amounts of sugar, or thinking we might have difficulties securing our next meal. Cut too many calories trying to lose some fat and your body legit thinks you’re dying and starts breaking down all sorts of soft tissue that isn’t fat. Or vasoconstriction when we’re out shoveling snow with a warm house 15ft away, all sorts of shit

  • I think the half of the dash and the entire center console on a G37 was about the trickiest thing. Center console lid has a little gear-driven mechanism and you need to flip the entire console upside down to fix, but I needed to stop everything and go to the dealership for a little plastic cog.

    But we’re in the middle of moving into a new place and our dishwasher was leaking so I pulled the entire ‘tub’ yesterday and inside front panel off to see if fitment was an issue, mostly wasting time while a couch was scheduled to be delivered, so I stopped the dishwasher project to assemble the couch (power reclining thing), then had to put the entire thing back together afterword (one of those Maytag ‘chopper’ models with a built in food disposal thing). But to pull the tub I had to remove the heater blower and chop chop thing and the control board and the water jets and all that… And then I realized a new dishwasher is like 500 bucks lol