Disheveled hair. If you have long(ish) hair and you’re going out in public, at least drag a comb through it so you don’t look like a bed-head.
By the time Sergei had assembled a plywood board and a broom with a wooden handle, Dmitriy was turned into a human Melba Toast.
Yes, living well. Happy mostly. Embodying values and dreams - as much as possible since some dreams would have needed to be started years ago to be realized - like my vineyard and my orchard. Mostly it was reinventing myself every five or seven years to follow the lucre (in software development world look for the bright and shiny new thing).
I was self employed for most of the time, and I can recommend that for those who have a pretty good work ethic. Having a goal in high school was also a key factor, since it led to a useful degree. I was also doing constant internal evaluation - like the feeling where you’re going over your desired job description for a job interview - via a journal or a self help program like “The Red Bucket Strategy”. So, in answer to how did this happen question: it was pretty methodical in using the steering gear you have to make course corrections all the time.
There’s this back story about the “LoongArch instruction system, a RISC ISA that blends ideas from MIPS and RISC-V”. The article says it is MIPS-compatible and even runs the same Linux code [Loongson’s] old MIPS-based CPUs did. Why not just use RISC-V? MIPS is licensed from the USA. I guess they have a lot of legacy people at Loongson.
Here is a relatively short presentation: and the slides.