Labeling datasets is costly process. When you dont opt out, you’re letting them build a labelled dataset on you-specifically for free.
Same for me: just say no, and they say OK. Effortless but the option is totally invisible.
The irony is, I’ve seen the staff stop using the face scanner for everyone halfway through the line to speed things up. So its not saving time, just costing money to increase surveillance.
Yeah, cookies, account logins, and other stuff make it hard too. Ex: randomly exploring gmail emails at different times of day, but not actually marking emails as read.
Psychology. Ever see ring doorbell footage where the owner says “drop the package” and people do? Its not like the owner could do anything, but for some reason it makes people behave differently.
Here’s a very similar question I asked here a few months ago: “Privacy respecting ring doorbell”
The clients are source available for telegram though
I mean technically the client is verifiable if you use discord in a browser tab… and verify it every time you load the web page… 🙃
I didnt upvote the other python-beginer friendly meme cause it wasn’t accurate. But this one is on point.
Celebrities are going to be shocked when they hear about email
Partially buried housing (ground cooling effect)
Distros should ship with this this under /readme.jpg
What’s the big deal? Just solve for …
… = (π^2 / 6) - (1 + 1/4 + 1/9)
Don’t forget the fully fledged remote desktop thats built in, WebVR (which is being replaced with Web XR), Web Bluetooth, Web USB (aka Web Serial), the API’s for notifications, ambient light sensors, an entire transactional database (indexed DB), the language translation API, the Gamepad API (videogame controllers), hardware passkeys (yubikey), speech to text, text-to-speech, webGL, webGPU, webworkers, service workers, an entire suite of cryptography tools, GPS location, battery, vibration, FileSystem API, picture-in-picture API, WebRTC, WebSensors, etc.
And then, on top of all that, building a miniture OS-kernel so that tasks can be sandboxed scheduled/executed and prevent 1 tab from crashing everything or hogging resources.
(I know I’m two months late)
To back up what you’re saying, I work with ML, and the guy next to me does ML for traffic signal controllers. He basically established the benchmark for traffic signal simulators for reinforcement learning.
Nothing works. All of the cutting edge reinforment algorithms, all the existing publications, some of which train for months, all perform worse than “fixed policy” controllers. The issue isn’t the brains of the system, its the fact that stoplights are fricken blind to what is happing.
Kinda surprised nobody has said this: start your own instance. Seriously, thats the power of the fediverse.
The sorting algorithm(s)
Ever since the accidental event that was interpreted as war, no not the one in 1957, not the one in 1958, or the other one in 1958, not the one in the 60’s or 70’s. The one in the 80’s. No not that one, the other one in the 80’s. Yeah that one. Anyways, ever since that one happened and triggered nuclear armageddon there hasn’t been much activity at all. Give it another couple millennia and maybe more complex organisms will roam the earth again.
Cool, this is exactly what I was hoping to learn but couldn’t find. It sounds like its still a pretty manual process, but thats okay. If thats how it is righ now, then thats exactly what I want to know.
I’m considering making tools (GUI local app, but also website AUTH frontend/backend tooling) to try and make systems like this more commonplace and standardized. I didn’t know about revocation keys, so I’m glad I heard about that before trying to build my own.
Yeah I wish there was a way to contribute to the hosting with torrent-like seeding. My phone can seed a torrent, but its not going to host an instance.
1 like = seed for 1 month seems like an interesting model