@ProdigalFrog @harrys_balzac I totally agree with this, I have a feeling more people coming from #facebook would greatly prefer #friendica…marketing is everything. That and a polished mobile app … And cross platform:)
@feb @ProdigalFrog @harrys_balzac I love #friendica, it connects to all the protocols… Just seems the level of polish/design/marketing of #mastodon stole the show…let that be a lesson to devs everywhere, design matters ;)
BTW not sure how many people know #raccoon the android app on #fdroid, it’s an amazing friendica app!
@yogthos @NeoToasty 🤣 almost got it…just a bit farther;)
@Alsephina okay, how about “the baddies”?;)
@yogthos China is basically just trolling the world at this point, holy shit!
@yogthos It’s so amazing, it seems like corporations simply can’t handle any type of even basic responsibility to their users … the world belongs to the shareholders and what they want, which is always the same “more blood”;)
@piratepost @fediverse @dieguitux8623 thank you do much for your hard work on this app, it’s beautiful, well thought out and was so needed for friendica 🙏