with the demise of ESXi, I am looking for alternatives. Currently I have PfSense virtualized on four physical NICs, a bunch of virtual ones, and it works great. Does Proxmox do this with anything like the ease of ESXi? Any other ideas?
No problem using multiple physical and virtual ports for a pfsense in proxmox
Admittedly I have not dug too deeply into Proxmox but its learning curve appears kinda steep.
its not too bad. i switched from esxi to proxmox about 2 years ago.
i run a virtualized opnsense with 2 nic’s passed through and another 2 virt, so it can be done
And in about 2 years you’ll switch to LXD/Incus. :P
Tossing in my vote for Proxmox. I’m running OPNsense as a VM without any issues. I did originally try pfSense, but didn’t like it for some reason (I genuinely can’t recall what it was).
Either way, Proxmox virtual networking has been relatively easy to learn.
pfSense, but didn’t like it for some reason
Probably the shitbirds at Netgate put you off it, understandably.