For me it’s the notification light you used to find on older phones, was particularly good to know if your phone was charged without picking it up

  • Forgot my bluetooth headphones the other day on a long trip and the 3.5mm jack saved my rear end.

    Just needed to stop at a shop briefly for some cheap plug-in buds and I was no longer listening to babies screaming on the journey. As a bonus, it also didn’t interfere with me charging my phone

      9 months ago

      I’d like bluetooth earbuds a lot more if I could find some that aren’t “smart.” If I put on a beanie, I bump them. If I remove one earbud to converse, I bump it. I’ve not once intentionally used a gesture-based control on an earbud for anything else other than undoing the situation I’ve caused by bumping them. Otherwise, I control everything with my phone. If I’m working out, I just select my playlist, mute notifications, and I don’t have to touch anything after that. Gesture-based earbuds are not for me.

      I really don’t think there are dumb bluetooth earbuds, though. At least, I haven’t been able to find any.