I’ve got a job interview on Tuesday and I haven’t had one for a while due to a period of unemployment because of family health issues.

One part of interviews I’ve always struggled with is when they first ask you to tell them about yourself. I struggle to talk about myself anyway and never know what they’d like me to actually say, whether it’s about me as a person or about my work history.

So any tips or tricks would be welcome.

  • steeznson@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Potentially you could say that you were investigating re-training and doing Udemy courses if you wanted to make it sound like you were not just sitting on your hands in the employment gap.

    To be honest, as someone who has been sitting on the other side of the desk doing a lot of interviews on behalf of my company recently, I don’t really pry into the employment gaps. A lot of people put on their CV that they were focusing on their family commitments during the gap and there’s no real reason to question it. Employers are interested on the relevant experience that the candidate has over their entire career as opposed to just the last position they held.