For reals? I sell very little on TeePublic…like $5/mo. They overpaid artists back in November and need everyone to pay them back. For me, that’s $.23. If you really need the $.23, I’m not sure you’re going to last as a company.

      2 months ago

      I mean, it probably went down like this:

      Accountant: I discovered a discrepancy in the payout system, we paid people too much!

      Manager: Hey Engineer, somebody (not me) fucked up and now I need you to fix it, get me the list of everybody who owes us money.

      Engineer: Yes boss! … Ok here’s the list.

      Manager: Ok now I’ll just have Marketing send out an email to everyone on this list.

      Engineer: Well some of these people owe us only $0.23, we don’t need to bother them, right?

      Marketing: Too bad already sent!