Lifelong football enjoyer here, but I can no longer stomach the NFL anymore. I realize the league is, and has always been, an entertainment business but they don’t even bother hiding the massaging anymore. They’re clearly feeling threatened by the fact that college football is more interesting now with the CFP and transfer portal, so they’re desperate for dramatic narratives. wilL iT BE A ThREEPeAT? wILL keLCe PrOposE to tayLOR SWIfT? dID wE MEnTIon TAyLOR swIFT iS HEre?

Anyways, good thing I got into rugby recently cuz it’s Six Nations time

    23 days ago

    I actually dont mind the transfer portal although it needs governance. I hate the CFP and the road the whole sport is on to become a nfl light with two super conferences. I miss the regionality that is going away. I hate conference expansion in every capacity. I miss bowl games being meaningful to the teams playing in them, the rest of the country be damned. I legit dislike almost everything besides players getting paid

    Edit: to be clear I hate the NFL and kinda always have, cfb was different and imo more enjoyable because it wasn’t so focused on the playoffs and postseason. I’m for sure in the minority. But my enjoyment of the sport has wavered significantly to the point where if my team isn’t involved I’m not watching anymore. I used to watch everything