That is probably a slam dunk (minor) discrimination lawsuit. Your circumstances of birth, including the date, are not something you can be judged for.
Follow up with your ID or Birth certificate and ask “Excuse me?”
It wouldn’t get anywhere in the US. Age is the closest protected class, but only applies to over 40 in the US. Discrimination based on month and day of birth isn’t actually illegal.
I honestly think there’s a gray area here and it’s worth talking to a lawyer if anything. There are certainly some protections for peoples under 40. Being denied a promotion because you’re “too young” is certainly a protection. The catch is you have to prove it.
This case is easy to prove though if there are any laws over this.
Edit: but now that I think about it, this is only really a protection if you’re already hired at the place. If you just slam the door on people before they can get in, discrimination seems to be legal.
What about star sign? That’s got to be illegal, and it’s p close to this
They listed the protected classes. Which one is astrology?
Yeah yeah not protected, but same could be said for requiring blond hair or blue eyes. Still discrimination
I am not a lawyer
They did specifically list genetics
How is that different from any other accident of birth that can’t be changed? People really do discriminate based on when you were born:
Not hard to extrapolate a case from this. Imagine a landlord refusing to rent because you’re a “scorpio” or an employer turning you down because they’re looking for a “dog” person.
They should not censor the company name.
But then you might realize it’s fake.
What do you mean ‘Company Business Incorporated Pty Ltd.’ Isn’t a legitimate employer?
What always ticks me off beyond reason in mails like these is the “we genuinely appreciate your time and effort in…”
Fuck. You. With. An. Umbrella.
You don’t appreciate shit, you’re full of shit, yet you’re too shit to even just say what you really want to say: fuck you, we don’t give a damn. Because being actually honest might also be bad and cost money.
Companies like there are the worse and should all burn in hell
Thank you for the opportunity!
I appreciate the time and effort it took to reply
I’d rather get a rejection email than eternally wondering why an AI filtered me out
It’s not the email that bugs me, it’s the fake politeness and language like “but we care! We really do!”
“Nobody was born on 4/20 except Hitler. We do not wish to hire Hitler at this time.”
at this time
This is most likely fake.
If this was automated, a company automating rejection emails would never write the reason for rejection. It would be a vague excuse like “not a good fit for the role”.
If this was not automated, then no recruiter would be this stupid.
Or the LLM is just that incompetent lol
This can’t be real. There are so many red flags this is fake. 1) Everything is censored. 2) GIS (Google image search) lookup only shows reddit and linkedin. The linkedin post is just as vague “learned a colleague received this!” 3) It’s too good to be true. it plays on current fears. 4) It’s just so dumb.
1 is in no way a red flag, don’t put other’s personally identifying information on the Internet.
I fucking hate people like you.
“Everything on Reddit/Lemmy is fake and gay. Here’s my evidence.”
All evidence easily has an explanation, most of it laughably so.
What do idiots who claim everything is fake get out of it? To troll the OP? Or do you just want to spread your misery?
If that’s real and in the US that’s age discrimination and you can sue, and easily win, even if they say it’s not your age, but the date of your birthday it still would fall under discrimination based on age.
Age is only a protected class if you are 40 or older.