I’m sure this must sound stupid for many, but I never get any responses, until like 3 days later when I check my spam folder and realize my scheduled interview appointment came from some random server that got deleted as spam mail.
How the hell do people get jobs online? I’ve only ever landed a job in person.
In-person interviews are not a thing anymore since the pandemic, from what I’ve seen. LinkedIn is the place to go. Recruiters will schedule a call and they’ll usually remind you an email is on the way.
I don’t want to work. I want to take a year off. Yet, I got a job interview and I’m not even looking.
Do you have any tips? All I ever get are Indian IT companies that want to offer training attached to a 19% payback.
Make sure your skills section is filled out. That’s mostly what recruiters use to filter their searches. I’ve added a new skill before and had a message from a recruiter about that specific skill within a week.
Interesting. I haven’t updated skills in a while. I’ll try that next. Thanks. Wait, are you sure it’s skills section and not skills used in job experience section?
Last time I messed with it, when I added a new skill, it let me choose which job experience it was relevant to, so I think they’re linked.
Yeah it’s mostly Indian recruiters. Just hear them out when they contact you. They actually need people. When I apply for vacancies, I got nothing. Never heard about payback schemes or anything.
I’m normally not very lucky. Maybe it helps to look like you’re not that interested?