The future of rock n roll
I feel like the classic image the mermaid in my head is clamshells as a bra.
You might be thinking of Ariel
Thanks! I’m glad you liked it
One of my favorites
It’s like the magnetic poles, switching on your pilot’s license test day
We are coming for you Pluto
To throw it an appreciation party!!
Speak English to me, doc! I ain’t no scientist.
Some guys got so obsessed with reforming and polishing glass, that they used that to see the vague flickering dots even better.
But also, have you seen the night sky without light and sound pollution? How can someone not just stare at that every night and memorize it?
$ alias please="sudo"
$ alias stay="shutdown"
$ please stay_
And you don’t want to accept it because that would mean disappointment again.
Yeah, I’m being silly.
Isn’t a counterexample just one datum? Even though its only one case, it’s still science.
Isn’t a counterexample just da tomb? Even though its only won case-a-dilla, it’s still le sahyênçe.
Harriet, I have spoken!
Congrats! I’m excited to see your upcoming posts on distro hopping.
I’m not gonna have kids so they can start competing with me for crying time. That’s a limited resource, and I need all of it.
Fine, I’ll install Arch (btw). You can stop trying to convince me now.
They would still have to go through that ridiculous install following the Wiki, so I think that they are be pretty well educated on updates.
What a bad ass