Thought these were sand benders from Avatar, ha
Thought these were sand benders from Avatar, ha
The future if text documents were Json:
A word document is xml
How are you people running cuda kernels?
Yeah I imagine they could have some sort of click to expand functionality
Water is attracted to faith. Under Jesus feet the density is tough as rocks. although the rock water syncs (sinks, but there’s beauty in entropy isn’t there?), what replaced it? More rock water. Peters faith is that of a mustard seed though, so he slips through the cracks between the water molecules
For everyone with a peloton, you can flash the bike with an aftermarket software.
Where is wind?
It’s time for you to answer the big questions, Freddie. It’s time for you to look inward and answer, what do YOU want.
Got stuck in the airport for a day , missed work and my boss got mad.
…I wonder if my girlfriend would let me feed her milk like this…
I do it to level up jumping. I jump over city walks and I’ll jump over your whole character arc, idgaf I’m khajiit
From shore it looks like the ship goes up doesn’t it? But what is happening when you’re on a boat and go on the ocean.? Maybe the water mountains are like silicon breasts as you ride along them they depress under the weight?
WoRk LiFe BaLaNcE iS a CoMpAnY vAlUe
I’m going to need you to prove the existence of this normies me-me
Then I will swiggity swootie my booty to jimmy the peavy
That’s not what my orb said…