I listen to it on the Amazon Music subscription I get included with Prime and it’s ad free.
I listen to it on the Amazon Music subscription I get included with Prime and it’s ad free.
5-4 Podcast.
It’s a podcast about how much the supreme court sucks. They discuss the ideological battles behind the landmark cases that shape the law in a fun and engaging way.
I’m the opposite. I was talking to my therapist about being socially anxious. She said I didn’t seem nervous talking to her. I told her “No offense, but I don’t really care what you think of me so there’s nothing to be nervous about.”
I’ve illegally entered Canada several times.
There is a spot my dad and I used to go fishing. It is a large lake where one side is US and the other side is Canada. On the Canada side there is a dockside store where you can buy beer, maple syrup, and souvenirs. We stopped by the store every year before camping on the US side of the lake. One day we found out there is a little hut where we were supposed to stop first to check in with customs before going to the store. Oops.
Aardwolf puppies are freaking adorable
There was a woman not too long ago who went into an MRI wearing a butt plug with a metal core.
Trades. If you are a plumber or an auto mechanic you can make a killing. Doubly so if you own the business. If I had it to do over again I would get a business degree and then become an electrician.
There is an amazing audio tape where an astronaut who has been living in a helium enriched underwater laboratory for a month gets a phone call from President Johnson.
There are 3d models for some fridge drawers. I have a Frigidaire with similarly flimsy drawers and found a model for them.
Good. Next question.
The stadium required anyone drinking to show valid ID and get a wristband. The city keeps a very tight watch on the stadium following the laws under threat of getting their liquor licence pulled. In this state a liquor licence can be pulled if the facility knowingly allows minors to drink alcohol, even if the guardian of the minor permits it.
But poor parents wouldn’t have been in those seats and a large reason we cared so much was the people in those seats were shown on TV each time a player was up to bat.
I worked security for a pro baseball stadium. Some guy and his teenage sons had front row season tickets behind home base. The boys were underage and openly drinking alcohol. We went to tell them the kids had to cut it out.
This guy (who was drunk too) throws a fit that we dared tell him what he could do. He starts shouting “do you know how much I pay for these tickets!? My sons can do whatever they want” blah blah blah.
I wave down the security head and he radios for the police to come deal with it. The man and his sons were marched out to boos from the crowd. They were ejected from the game and fined. They potentially lost their season ticket rights too, but I don’t know for sure. I never saw them again though.
The irony is that I only got that house because my parents divorced and I only got money because my dad was injured badly at work. His bad fortune was my good fortune. I would give it up in a heartbeat if it meant he didn’t have to go through that pain.
I’m not going to pretend I didn’t get an inheritance when my dad died. I got a little run down house in a farm town and the balance of a workers comp settlement. There’s a big difference between that and people inheriting enough that they never have to work a day in their lives.
Yeah, because their parents are dying and leaving their kids an inheritance.
There’s a lot of fake “bronze” stuff coming out of China, so keep an eye out.
Armed resistance became necessary as soon as Trump won the election. All that is left is to find out if it comes from within the government or from outside it.