There’s a special place in my heart for shitty pizza.
There’s a special place in my heart for shitty pizza.
Somestimes I go by Chuck.
Any tips for fitted sheets?
Maybe not that guy specifically, but the Goods Unite Us app is basically a big list of brands and products and which parties they’ve donated to.
Cat vomiting somewhere in the room.
I’m a software developer, and I sometimes if I’m asked how something works, I can find it difficult to explain things in a way that would make sense to the listener, whether they are a PM or the client.
Other times, depending on the question, I simply don’t know the answer, and it could take hours for me to gain enough understanding of the project to even respond intelligently.
I don’t remember if it was on sale, but I got 10 Dead Doves on a whim and I’m not dissapointed so far.
I once went to a woodworking store to get supplies for one of my brief ADHD hobbies, and the guy there mentioned that they have classes and there were some carvings on display that people made. It sounded like a nice, small group of people and if I wasn’t so lazy and socially anxious I might’ve enjoyed joining.
I’m not getting the messages at all. I’m on android with the Google messages app, and the others have iphones.
Starting a new group chat sounds like a good suggestion, especially since the other group chat I’m in seems to work.
I am. That’s interesting. I didn’t change any settings, but maybe an update did something.
Dungeons of Dreadrock was a nice puzzle game. I spent a good amount of time on that.
I’ve donated a decent sum of money to the food pantry at my church.
Working from my bedroom in the US while seeing and speaking to a fellow developer living in Pakistan is really quite awesome.
Shit, that explains my weight and flaky face skin. Now I gotta figure out why I keep waking up around 3:00 and can’t get back to sleep.
My dad watches Full Custom Garage, and while I’m not interested in cars or anything like that, the guy’s personality seems so positive, and the show is so drama-free, that I could just watch it and relax without hearing any assholes arguing at each other like some other shows.
I have a Laravel app I’ve been maintaining for about ten years that will make you hate PHP as well.
Edit: I accidentally hit the post comment button, so I might as well add something:
I think I might’ve mentioned this once before, but The Eternal Castle [REMASTERED] stood out to me for its stylized graphics and animation. Or if you’re in the mood for a puzzle game, Temple of Snek might be good to try.
Depends on the mirror.
Over the bathroom sink? Rugged and handsome. Full-height mirror? Short, fat, and misshapen.
Three games I played recently:
Among Ashes - Somewhat short, but ended up being quite good. It does a good job at building tension and generally doesn’t rely on cheap jump scares.
10 Dead Doves - One of the few games I that made me want to play through a second time. Interesting story, some funny moments, emotional moments, good voice acting. I highly recommend this one.
In Sound Mind - This was sitting in my backlog for a while and I wasn’t really expecting much, but I ended up really enjoying this one too. The ending even had me feeling emotional, which is very rare, but
(potential spoiler)
it made me think about my own cat who died a few months ago.