Correct but if the effects are severe we could already say that it’s bad. If they are harmful the effect of currently normal levels is on the milde side.
Correct but if the effects are severe we could already say that it’s bad. If they are harmful the effect of currently normal levels is on the milde side.
The toxicity of micro plastics is very minor. To get to the point where it is a problem you need to be exposed to it for a very long time.
I think our asbestos is halogenated organic chemicals like PFAS. They are toxic in every way and we are addicted to their use in food chemistry. Not to eat or anything but to make the packaging look nice.
Because they are indestructible by any natural way their dose in the water supply is ever rising. The cost of health issues is already in the hundred billions.
Micro plastics might be a problem for our children when the dosage in clean water gets to extreme levels.
This question is as American as it gets. No mention that it has no interest to everybody that is not from the US. The topic is about unhealthy food that is made almost similar in an anti human economy that only cares for price reduction. It’s also very Reddit.
In similarity to coffee: Consider very small producers. The problem with coffe and chocolate is that the real taste only results from the last production steps (after fermentation and roasting). That means that companies that buy from many small farms (sometimes hundreds) have no clue which farm did it the best and thus the farmers also don’t know it.
But because only the farmers have a really strong influence on the quality of the chocolate they need to know if what they did was right.
Now a small company might have their own farms or work with very few suppliers they can give feedback about the quality. The farmers can produce better raw chocolate beans and the chocolate tastes best.
Also because the farmers learn their worth we westeners can’t exploit them so nicely and we avoid slavery.
Not if you are a toddler. Are you a toddler?