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Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Erm, most games? You’re better off asking which games people might remember 20 years from now. You ask me what games released in 2004 off the to of my head I could only remember Halo 2, Half-life 2 and Doom 3 (and this one I remember because of Half-life 2). I’m 100% certain I’m forgetting some huge release from 2004. But that’s the thing, only the really memorable games will be remembered.

    I could probably mention 20-30 games from the 00s (maybe 50-60 because some series released a lot of games in that time frame. For example Half-life 2, episode 1 and episode 2 make up 3 games, but I remember all of them because of Half-life 2), but over a decade thousands of games were released. The vast majority of games will be forgotten.

    20 years from now maybe some of man like myself remembers Space Marine 2, but it will get wiped from the collective memory.

  • In that case aren’t most games gambling? You fight a boss and you die. You have failed and you lose progress of the boss fight which means the failed fight was a waste of time. Gambling.

    My actual point is that despite us having a relatively good intuition on what is gambling, defining what gambling really is is pretty hard. Be too broad and you will end up marking non-gambling things as gambling, be too narrow and you get things like lootboxes that definitely feel like gambling but don’t actually fit most legal definitions of gambling.

    Your definition is so broad it encompasses almost all games and as such is useless when you want to use it to regulate gambling on games.

  • The unmodded experience absolutely isn’t a casual game. Due to the semi random nature of the game I actually rate it harder than dark souls.

    It doesn’t have the same roadblock encounters souls games have but you can learn how to pass them in the souls games. However in Noita you need to learn the systems and then use your knowledge of the systems to bypass the problems in a more dynamic way. For example I wanted to carve a path through lava. Usually I’ve done it with a freezing spell, but I didn’t have it. Instead I had found lava to blood spell, so I turned parts of lava to blood which then reacted with the rest of lava to create volcanic rock, which I then dug through.

    For a more casual experience I recommend using mods for whatever gives you the most trouble, because there’s a lot of that can give you problems. You can learn at your own pace because it does get easier the more you get used to the systems in the game.

    I definitely recommend experiencing Noita, it’s one of the most unique games I’ve ever played. It’s so unique I actually have a hard time putting it into a specific genre. I usually just call it a roguelite Metroidvania. It starts out as a roguelite but the more you play it the more it becomes like a Metroidvania where there’s usually a specific mechanic preventing access to other areas but there can be multiple solutions to the mechanic and your solution depends whatever things the roguelite aspect of the game gave you.

  • GoodEye8@lemm.eetoGames@lemmy.worldThe Eurogamer 100
    11 days ago

    I agree the genre isn’t exactly for me, but I don’t think that’s really relevant. Stardew Valley and Sims more or less fall in the same genre and I loved Stardew Valley and could see the appeal of Sims. I don’t have an issue with those games being on the list but New Horizons just felt shallow. Outside of collecting things for the Museum there really wasn’t anything that engaging. I remember also checking if I’m just playing it wrong and the sentiment from the AC vets was that the gameplay of New Leaf is better.

    I did a quick check to see New Horizon is still in the same state as I remember and some people are claiming the 2.0 update made the game better so I guess I’ll give it another shot one day. Maybe my opinion is dated because I haven’t really played since 1.3 update.

  • GoodEye8@lemm.eetoGames@lemmy.worldThe Eurogamer 100
    11 days ago

    I’m going to give my probably controversial opinion. I don’t think Animal Crossing New Horizons should be on that list and the main reason it got critical acclaim is because it released at the height of Covid. Had it released any other time people would’ve seen that it’s a shallow game where in long term it’s mostly a repetition of the same menial actions. There’s nothing wrong with repetition, but having to check the store every day isn’t exactly the peak of compelling gameplay.

  • Because putting them together in most physical sports would push women out of the highest echelons of that sport. Just look up what female MMA fighters and female tennis players have to say. They literally can’t keep up with men. Serena Williams and her sister boasted that they’d beat any man outside the top 200, Braasch (then #203) took the challenge and on the day of the challenge played a round of golf drank 2 low ABV beers before easily beating both sisters

    Probably the most detrimental thing you can do for women in sports is to get rid of the women’s league. Most “men’s” categories are already open for women, so you should ask women why they don’t want to partake. The answer is what female athletes already say, they’d get absolutely dumpstered before they even get close to the top. Of course the less physically demanding the closer men and women will be, but for most sports the physical differences make women’s leagues necessary.

  • GoodEye8@lemm.eetomemes@lemmy.worldPower budgeting for new PC build
    17 days ago

    What? The leds that go in the bulb sockets take 3W so the RGB ones going into the case probably take like 1.5 to 2W. RGB led strips seem to take 8W per meter. We’re talking about 5m of led strips and 25 individual lights and still not hitting 100W.

    I don’t put RGB in my cases so I don’t know what the trend is. If it’s to turn your PC into a Christmas tree then I can understand 100W not being enough.

  • I think Steam Deck is great and a huge impact on both Linux gaming and handheld gaming. My only gripe with the Steam deck is trying to use it in docked mode. I’m not sure if it’s the TV or the official dock but the only way I could get it working is when I disconnect all the wires from the dock and then connect them in the right order. I think it was 1) connect deck to the dock 2) Connect HDMI to the dock and finally 3) connect power to the dock. If I don’t connect it the right way the signal from the dock to the TV gets fucked up and I either get some really crappy resolution that doesn’t even get properly aligned, weird almost white noise or just straight up black screen. Not really a big issue for me since I mostly use the deck when away from home, but it still that using it at home is such a hassle (at least for me).

  • I would rather say we should make it illegal to do things that cause an inordinate amount of suffering to animals. I would prefer not to kill the dog either, but since most people in this thread seem to believe a vegan diet with supplements is impossible for carnivore pets, what other option is there?

    I don’t think it’s impossible but I do think it leads to the suffering of pets because most animal owners aren’t capable of taking care of their pets right now and they’ll be even less capable when they need to follow a relatively strict diet for their pet.

    However If I had someone who would pay someone else to torture 1 animal a day, and then eat it, meaning ~30,000 animals would be tortured throughout their life, and I have no way to make them stop besides killing them, what is your proposed solution? I want to hear the non utilitarian answer to this problem, in this hypothetical where killing them is the only way to stop the behavior.

    About that specific person? You do nothing. You can’t force people (or animals) to live a different life. What you want to do is get a societal shift. Educate people so they’d willingly switch and over time (if it’s reasonable and I do think going more vegan is reasonable) society will shift away from eating animals and those people will disappear with time.

    You’ve baked in that the only options are “kill people who eat meat” or “do nothing.” In a situation where all humans were strict carnivores, that’s a much harder question.

    If would argue if humans were strictly carnivorous the question would be much easier, because then eating meat is our nature and we would die if we went vegan. The reason we (and dogs) can go vegan is because from a dietary perspective we’re both omnivores. For example with cats there’s no question, they’re biologically not adapted to plant based diet. Their entire diet would essentially be supplements and they get next to nothing from eating plants.

    Obviously I would hope to have legal or social consequences for people who eat meat.

    The most “moral” thing to do would be for vegans to make it impossible for factory farming to exist,

    I guess if you don’t value animals at all, you would never kill the person.

    And these are the examples why I have a problem with Veganism and why I think Vegans like you are a detriment towards people going more plant based with their diet. Because you’re all about moral superiority, absolutes, guilting others for their lifestyles and assuming the worst. You won’t change peoples mind if you call them a piece of shit. You also won’t change their minds by not compromising on anything. And this “all change must happen instantly because we demand it” message is just childish behavior.

    If you’re serious about getting people to eat less or no meat you can’t expect instant results. You need to let people change their minds instead of trying to force them to change (and that includes trying to guilt them into changing). Also you can’t change everyones mind but you need to change enough to for society to change over time. It’s a process and it needs to be treated like a process. Don’t force people, educate when you can and hope people change. After-all (hopefully) nobody forced you into becoming a vegan.

  • Ah the utilitarian approach. You’re just one species away from saying it’s okay to kill people because most people eat meat. Afterall the math problem is exactly the same for people, except people eat even more meat so from a math point of view it’s even more logical to kill a person than a dog. I’ll walk you through this conundrum.

    You can choose to say it is okay to kill people who eat meat and good luck talking about the ethics of killing people.

    You can choose to say it’s not okay to kill people, but now you’re not treating life equally because now a human life is worth more than the dogs life. So what’s stopping me from saying that the the dog is worth more than the 4 animals who get killed?

    And if you want me to prove the dog is worth more than the animals I’ll just ask you to prove that a human is worth more than the dog. If you can’t prove that you’re back to saying it’s okay to kill people.

    You can’t solve this problem through utilitarianism and then talk about ethics because utilitarian solutions often end up being unethical.

  • His question was not clear to me which is why I stated I didn’t understand what he was asking. And then expanded what I meant by exclusivity to see if that answered his question. And while I didn’t have time to go find the sources especially since finding the source for the other publisher IMO isn’t worth the effort (mainly because searching the web for anything very has become next to impossible unless you know exactly what you’re looking for). The Ubisoft one however is really simple, anyone with basic googling skills could find it.

    If anyone is here in bad faith it’s you. You instantly assumed I’m being disingenuous and come attacking me without even doing a basic check to see if you have anything to attack.

  • I’m not sure what you’re asking so I’ll just expand on what Epic did. Epic made a deal with Ubisoft where Ubisoft releases their game on their store and on EGS but not on Steam despite all previous Ubisoft titles being on Steam. I remember there being another smaller publisher who made a deal with EGS and released their game on other storefronts (I think it was EGS and GOG but it also could’ve been the MS store) but not on Steam. I would consider that exclusivity targeting specifically Steam.