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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 30th, 2023

  • honestly unless you are planning to develop for them and can improve the jankiness, neither. base pinephone is too weak for literally anything, even running that super minimal os. pro I only had for a few days before selling due to having no time for it but it was only powerful enough for me to think specs wise that’s what the original should have been for the year it came out. I kept the basic one because I already did the open source modem firmware or whatever it was but its probably way out of date now.

    If this is way out of date and things have improved much, someone tell me please.

  • I don’t really see being poor as a tradition. I’ve seen enough people present racism as a tradititon and I don’t like that either. My dad has been facebook’d and keeps wanting to do ancient medicines because “the government took them away from us”, and has asked where to get some definitely dangerous substances. There are indeed a lot of things people call tradition that I don’t like.

    I don’t think changing a couple ingredients breaks tradition when most old recipes were just throwing whatever we had together and trying to make it at least minimally enjoyable for bonus points. I guess it’s different for wealthy people in the past much like it is now, but if it could be improved cheaply or for free when it was new either due to ingredients or skills and knowledge, everyone would have done it. Some things were probably also just good enough that nobody bothered changing it, but now most people are conditioned to really high sugar and salt or just stronger flavour in general.

    Actually one of my time travel fantasy wishes is to see people in the last eat the modern versions of their favourite food. I’d feel bad about shocking their systems with large doses (to them) of microplastics, pesticides, and who knows what else though.

  • the worst is when people are like this for a dish that was invented as a way to use the shitty limited ingredients of the area because everyone was poor and that’s all they had back then. That’s not even tradition. Or slightly less annoying is when people try your traditional dish from the country your family comes from and say its not correct in some way, but they are from one of the 6 neighboring countries with pretty much the same food but the name is spelled slightly different and have regional plants as seasoning instead.

  • yeah I think I have an orange, a mango, a nanopi, and a couple entirely written in chinese that are different from each other. Just before reddit went senile I was planning on posting images to try to ID the unknown ones but I didn’t and got busy with stuff less likely to be a dead end.

    Can anyone confirm if it is indeed the case that you can’t just put whatever os you want on these things, or if it is possible by jumping through some hoops that google would never show me in favour of showing me other shit that makes them more money?

  • Don’t forget cutting oil for tapping. In a pinch any oil or thin grease will work. I think that screw position was pretty short depth, but if you seize and snap a tap in the extrusion it will be a shit time even got a shallow home. I wanted to put the picture of a tap snapped flush with one of the end holes but I guess it was on my old phone. I got it out with a screw extractor but it was really hard to drill the pilot hole, and didn’t seem like it would work at first.