Shoot you shot. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Stop underestimating yourself.
Shoot you shot. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Stop underestimating yourself.
Alt title: ISPs attempt to avoid infrastructure upgrades unless paid for by others; points fingers.
Nothing new tbh.
Classic result of a business man in charge of a software company.
LPT: work for a company where the decision maker comes from an engineering background, not a business background.
You’re welcome.
I think the thigh high socks requirement scares people away 😓
Imagine being in a corporate environment trying to implement an OSS into your platform and having to tell your 50 yo teammate: “Oh yeah, just pop in this Discord server real quick to see any relevant info”. Instant credibility loss
That is a really cool resume item, ngl
Do you mind me asking the languages/frameworks backing it? (e.g. JavaScript/Node)