He · Him | Staunch environmentalist and socialist | Cinema and video games afficionado

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • There is a great video about the Great Filter by Kurzgesagt/In a Nut Shell. If I remember correctly, in it they say we can guess at which stage the filter is by how evolved extraterrestrial life forms are. So it’s actually great if we find a lot of bacteria or other primitive life forms, that would mean we probably already have overcome the Geat Filter on Earth. On the other hand, if we find many alien ruins of several civilizations at or above our technological level… Well, our greatest challenge might be coming.

  • Aight but if a critical mass flees the spam-ridden husks of reddit/Twitter, the bots will come for us too.

    Yeah, guys like Belogubov won’t stop at Reddit, they’ll infest every forum on the web to make even more money.
    What can we do?
    Human moderation of course, but against bots this might be a loosing battle.
    So good AIs to fight bad AIs?
    Or, if push comes to shove, white hats could take down the ReplyGuy website and the likes.