…the rights that people have gained in the last 30 years? Like gay marriage?
…the rights that people have gained in the last 30 years? Like gay marriage?
Right. We have to regain the good without losing our progress.
I was really fortunate to have been exposed to a lot of awesome video games in my childhood. Sonic 3 and knuckles, gunstar heroes, super Mario world, low g man, x wing alliance, and the xmen and simpson arcade games all transport me in time. 🥹
I love fallen haven so much.
Sounds right. I saw a documentary about it a fee months ago.
The oxygenation of the ocean. Never knew that was a mass extinction! So much interesting stuff came from that!
I was there Gandalf, 1000 memes ago. When all your base were belong to us, and Chuck Norris was the strongest man in the world. I was there when Mr. T ate my balls.
I’ll be honest Spiderman 2 has me looking.
I was more reviving an old meme than anything else. Didn’t expect it to start a conversation, lol.
I could buy a steam deck and a shitload of games on sale for that
Wrestslemania x8 on the gamecube. Didn’t even have a frigging campaign mode…
Target’s got a caffeinated Seltzer I am all about. They have a few fruit flavors, then a few sods mimicking flavors.
Yeah, I think it will be like “Dallas”. It will be really big for one generation.
I’d add game of Thrones. It was a cultural phenomenon when it came out. Oh, and the Simpsons.
Kidney beans, for when she steals your kidneys.
Songs for Littles (Ms. Rachel) - Really good Prek content for my kid.
Ok. Which is why I said, we need to go back to the good, while keeping the progress we made. You asked about the progress. This is the progress I meant.