I can vouch for Signal. I got my whole family out of facebook messenger to make a new place for family chat. Even my parents in their mid 60s had no problem changing.
I can vouch for Signal. I got my whole family out of facebook messenger to make a new place for family chat. Even my parents in their mid 60s had no problem changing.
I had a shirtless incident working at a hardware shop in my early 20s. I was given my work uniform, but I didn’t see any changing room, so I just popped into an empty office to change. It was just a shirt - a 10 second job - no problem. Ripping of my shirt, I heard shouting from the neighbouring office from my new (female) boss: “we have about 3 active cameras in that office, just thought you might want to know.”
In panic I quickly had to decide between apologizing, becoming embarrased or running away. My smart ass brain landed on shouting back “if you see anything you like, speak up!”
I was very that lucky she just found it funny.
Absolutely, that may be important. LTT were only aware of the extension screwing over the creators, not that the customers were also getting screwed.
A lot of creators were tricked into that. The problematic part was that they realized the issue and completely went silent about the issue instead of raising awareness of the scam. Alerting about that fact would have been a great tech tip.
The code I write might be considered abstract art by some, but I’m a developer, not an artist. Much like how someone who writes books get catagorized as an author even though books can be considered art.
It’s not that I disagree with the principle, but on the mentioned occastions, I will ~99% of the time listen to podcasts or audio books instead of music.
That’s a great point. I have a nintendo switch, but I have more or less played through the entirety of all the games I have been interested in before my child was born. I did pick up pokemon violet, but the game was very short and had some disgusting responsiveness and aestetics which discourages me from grinding the post game.
Maybe a handheld pc will be my next purchase. Thanks for the suggestion!
As a father of a 8 month old baby, I have barely touched any of my gaming systems for the past year. Games need to be quickly accessible and possible to quit at any time for me to play. So mobile gaming is basically where I’m at.
Slay The Spire works perfectly well for Android. I’ve been playing that a ton.
Pokémon TCG Pocket is weirdly fun. Even though it’s encouraging microtransactions and subscriptions, it’s very much playable without making a single transaction. The TCG is decently interesting, though not without flaws. It’s still in a very early stage, so I’m interested to see how the game grows.
Ah, shit, a clock that runs infinitely fast is always right.
This reminds me of an article about how to pack your plastic shopping bags to avoid spoiling frozen and refredgerated items on the way back home. The article basically boiled down to: bring a cooling bag.
It’s answering some question while completely disregarding the premise of the original question.
Absolutely this. I’ve found AI to be a great tool for nitty-gritty questions concerning some development framework. While googling/duckduckgo’ing, you need to match the documentation pretty specifically when asking about something specific. AI seems to be much better at “understanding” the content and is able to match with the documentation pretty reliably.
For example, I was reading docs up and down at ElasticSearch’s website trying to find all possible values for the status field within an aggregated request. Google only lead me to general documentations without the specifics. However, a quick loosely worded question to chatGPT handed me the correct answer as well as a link to the exact spot in the docs where this was specified.
You can combine these to have perfectly valid ways of saying 1.
I’ll have ronnaronto cheeseburger.
Double it and give it to the next person
Mega Charizard X and Mega Charizard Y exists, as well as Gigantamax Charizard.
deleted by creator
This reminds me when I was at a coffee shop where I ordered some hot coffee drink with milk. I don’t remember what kind it was, but the barista brought out a big cup with a small coffee shot in it. Then she said something which I somehow didn’t hear, so I just nodded and said “yes”. She started pouring the milk into the cup. I just watched.
She continued to pour. Slowly.
After a few seconds, she raised her eyes up to me, still pouring the milk. I was starting to wonder how much milk this drink was supposed to have. I could see her starting to have more of a worried look while she filled up the last bit of the cup.
Finally she stopped. A full cup. I took the drink, said thanks and left.
When I tasted it, I noticed that the drink was incredibly weak. Then I realized that the barista had asked me to say stop, but I just made her basically make me a full cup of hot milk.
Shouldn’t that be Cauchy and Schwarz walking together? Since they were actually the ones to generally prove that the absolute value of the sum of two vectors are smaller or equal to the sum of absolute values of each of those vectors separately.
Why, yes, I am fun at parties!
I work as a dev in an IT consulting company. My work includes zero AI development, but other parts of ghe company are embracing it.
I can understand it. I was banned without reason from 3 of the top mastodon instances before even posting anything. Creating new accounts is a hassle, and it’s easy to lose faith in the system when bans happen without reason and none of the instances cared to respond to my appeals. In heinsight, I’m sure the ban was due to my username looking like a hash, but I still find it crazy that the appeals were ignored.