I really like eggs, but I walk to my grocery store and back, and often bump the fuck outta whatever I buy. After the first accident, I’ve not bought eggs in a real long while.
I really like eggs, but I walk to my grocery store and back, and often bump the fuck outta whatever I buy. After the first accident, I’ve not bought eggs in a real long while.
Necessary but evil. My workplace had a million headaches implementing an email-based 2fa system. So many automatic services blocking our emails, so many people who are tech illiterate who cannot understand 2fa, and all of their calls got sent to me and my team despite none of us having technical support experience. However, it has massively increased the security of our site, while allowing us to finally implement a way for people to unlock their own accounts if they do have too many unsuccessful login attempts. The juice is worth the squeeze.
Long enough that it’d be hard to rule diet as your cause of death. Your biggest consequences would be low energy and a weakened immune system. Not a great place to be, but you’re not gonna be so weak that you fall over to a stiff wind. It would take an untreated illness like the flu or pneumonia to actually kill you.
Thanks! I supported one who shares my name!
Pretty sure all the hype was by potter-heads. I don’t know anyone who enjoyed playing the game who wasn’t also a die-hard fan of Harry Potter.
Look honey, you think my ass looks this good because of genetics and cake? It takes sweat and discipline.
If you wanna be hot, you gotta take care of your body. A good diet and exercise is my secret.
Not everything has to have an evolutionary benefit. If it doesn’t impose a significant malus, random nonsense mutations can just as easily become evolved traits. Evolution doesn’t have a plan, and nature makes frequent mistakes.
Yeah absolutely, really itching to just bash the first smarmy fascist I see.
In minecraft, y’know?
They’re going to enforce it however they want. Words only mean something to us, these idiots just want carte blanche to attack anyone they deem as not fitting the gender binary.
There was some action across the country, one of which even ended up with a border office getting killed. Honestly, I think the extreme Chicago cold kept them at bay. To my understanding, these raids are being done on a voluntary basis by the agents, there’s no order forcibly deploying them. For all the shit-talk the yokels in Alabama and Georgia can muster, I don’t think any of them wanted to deal with windchills of -20f.
I see this as an absolute win!
I mean, I’ll handle em, but I get the meme. How could we be trusted to protect the cat girls if we can’t be trusted to defend our trans gals?
Protest what?
Didn’t stop Republicans on Jan 6. The truth seems to be that one side is willing to do anything to gain power, and the other is unwilling to do anything to keep it.
I’m just saying that I’ve been with a lot of men and women, and in my experience men are typically satisfied after 1-2 orgasms. Women are typically satisfied after 2-4. From the boasts I’ve heard from some of the lesbians I know, I’d expect a real marathon session to have both parties orgasming 10+ times. The math just doesn’t check out for dudes.
Obv you can spend as much time as you want making your partner cum, but at a certain level of disparity it resembles sex less and more masturbation with a tool.
Okay, this one’s on me. I’ll admit, my ass is really tight and gets sore easily. As much as I’d be interested in an 8 hour pegging session, I know I’d tap out within the first hour. I salute all the men stronger than me.
Men just can’t last as long as women. Saying this as a man, if a lady wants to go for 2 hours I start getting weird penis pain pangs and honestly become a bit exhausted. Meanwhile, I know a gal who really only starts to get into sex after her third orgasm, and can easily keep going for a whole day.
We were born with fatal flaws and faulty equipment.
10 minutes is pretty good! tbh, I’ve never known a man to last more than 5 in my mouth. Most of the fun parts of sex happen with no insertion, it’s the foreplay that goes on beforehand that I really like. I’ve also found that it can be fun to swap from insertion back to cuddling/necking, to give the top a little break and make them last a bit longer.
Doing all of the above, it’s possible for sex with me to take about 30 minutes to an hour, even though I’m in control to finish him off quickly whenever I want.
Why wouldn’t they? The ADL has never had a problem with fascism, they’re one of it’s staunchest supporters.
Hey wow, look what happens when we don’t buy their games and loudly organize to tell others not to buy their games over this bullshit!
There’s still nothing Sony puts out that I really think is all that good, but hopefully this serves as another message to the industry to stop with this dumb bullshit. Funny how Sony has been getting a lot of those kinda messages recently.