So he hasn’t confessed and you just believe what law enforcement and the media says?
Nah fuck that he’s innocent.
So he hasn’t confessed and you just believe what law enforcement and the media says?
Nah fuck that he’s innocent.
I was not aware he confessed and can’t find anything saying he did. Do you have a source confirming he’s confessed?
He pled not guilty, it really is that simple.
Innocent until proven guilty.
Larry David, co-creator, head writer and EP for seven seasons, is funny. The character of George is a stand-in for Larry and if you watch with that in mind it becomes more apparent that Jerry is essentially playing “the straight man” to his funnier cast mates. Which is great because as you mention, Jerry’s not very funny or relatable and comes across as a pompous dick most of the time.
That’s only an issue if you’re weighing single digit grams.
I keep my scale in the cocaine room.
unless you’ve worked in my field, which I can say with near certainty you haven’t, then you haven’t seen, witnessed, or experienced the things I have
I’ll bite, what field are you in?
Absolutely, water being such a vital part of life pretty much ensures it’ll be referenced. Kind of the same thing as various sun gods in cultures around the world.
I feel like the myth existing in cultures around the world from Mesopotamia to the Americas gives it credence. It makes sense that a “world-changing event” would work its way into various disparate cultures myths.
That’s not at all how natural selection works. Successful traits are passed on and unsuccessful ones aren’t. In the case of dogs, the canids able to tolerate being around prehistoric people were able to eat the scraps and early man found the canid provided protection and warning of other predators, it was very much a symbiotic relationship.
Feline and man for all intents and purposes just kind of agreed to exist together. As we developed agriculture and formed permanent settlements the grain attracted rodents which in turn attracted cats. The cats provided free pest control and companionship and are self-cleaning so were essentially given free reign, that relationship remains relatively unchanged.
People are still talking about some flood that probably happened at some point in pre-history.
It’s a joy to watch someone passionate and well-researched talk about something they enjoy. His videos do nothing but make me happy and interested in a thing. I can’t imagine someone watching him and getting mad about it.
This is what a patriot looks like.
Kegs aren’t even hard to get. If he really wants that keg he can just call the nearest distributor and they’ll be happy to hook him up. They might even deliver it.
Mom: We have cold war at home.
I legitimately know a woman who’s divorcing her husband, finding out he was a Trump supporter was the final straw. They’ve been in a rough spot for the last year or so, he doesn’t cook/clean at all.
She was going to leave him a year ago but tried to make it work, finding out he was a secret Trumper sealed the deal for her.
The body is Rottweiler-sized, segmented into overlapping hard plates like those of a rhinoceros. The legs are long, curled way up to deliver power, like a cheetah’s. It must be the tail that makes people refer to it as a Rat Thing, because that’s the only ratlike part - incredibly long and flexible.
The grass under the Rat Thing is beginning to smoke.
“Careful. Supposedly they have really nasty isotopes inside,” Hiro says behind her… “A radioactive substance that makes heat. That’s its energy source.”
“How do you turn it off?”
“You don’t. It keeps making heat until it melts.”
The body converges to a sharp nose. In the front it bends down sharply, and there is a black canopy, raked sharply like the windshield of a fighter plane. If the Rat Thing has eyes, this is where it looks out.
As part of Mr. Lee’s good neighbor policy, all Rat Things are programmed never to break the sound barrier in a populated area. But Fido’s in too much of a hurry to worry about the good neighbor policy. Jack the sound barrier. Bring the noise.
Any time someone says “I was banned for no reason!” there always turns out to be a reason.
Sure mods can be dicks but have you met most users?