Anyone who says its all one side’s fault, is not being honest. Chill out.
Anyone who says its all one side’s fault, is not being honest. Chill out.
Well if you don’t like what’s happening… before trump it was very extreme letting too many people in unobserved, and now we have it the other way. If the laws concerning immigration had just been respected in the first place, this probably wouldn’t be happening the way it is now.
(I’m not taking sides here, just making an observation.)
There are tons of forums out there, the search engines just won’t show them to you. The search engines are the real problem.
True true! But there’s a reason why I’ve only bought used.
I’ve seen similar options, but haven’t heard of this one. Looks like my 17 yr old comp might be compatible. I wonder how compatible though, since most of my USB ports already don’t work with my supported OS.
Anyway, thanks, I’ll look more into it.
I guess that’s true. But both are acting like everyone just has money to waste.
I’m not using windows, but apple does the same thing. My OS is 9 versions old because they won’t let me upgrade without buying a new computer.
And to go and take it out on people who aren’t involved, just because they own a vehicle. Childish brats.
I didn’t pay much attention to the changes after XP. Next thing I saw (years later) was the win version with flipping windows all over the place, that worked more like a cell phone. I was totally lost. Anytime I’ve used windows at a job, they were always using older versions that I could figure out.
I know, most businesses only use windows. Its like they got stuck with it, and are afraid to leave.
I used windows for over 10 years, I just feel like its changed a lot since I last used it, to where I barely recognize it.
I stopped using windows while using Win XP, maybe 16 or 17 years ago. When I try using current windows I become useless, I can barely figure out how to use it.
You’re free to feel that way, I just disagree and think we’d be better off without AI. Time will tell whether we should have put an end to it, or if it was a great invention.
Why, because you can’t provide an answer to my simple question?
At this point, I guess it’s hopeless. I’m not going to receive an answer to my very simple question. Instead, I’m just going to be called an idiot by people who can’t back up their claim.
Some search engines more than others!
AI is a totally different ballgame, and I’m sure you know this.
That, I think is a better explanation than the comment in the image.
So you can’t give me one civil right that a man has, that a woman does not. Got it.
Web rings still exist, you just wouldn’t know it because search engines don’t show you the types of sites that use them, which is usually personal sites.
I sometimes use (oldschool) for searching, and get better results than the major ones, sometimes not. Most people have no clue its even still up. I haven’t dug much, so I don’t know much about its current state. Like tripod sites, how they still exist but are full of hidden junk.