It’s fine, she said in an interview afterwards that her next career move is fulfilling a lifetime ambition of joining the circus. So the spot is still open.
It’s fine, she said in an interview afterwards that her next career move is fulfilling a lifetime ambition of joining the circus. So the spot is still open.
Yes, I agree, a terrible parenting strategy. Also fuck elf on the shelf, since the whole book is about how the elf is Santa’s spy and you can’t question or touch it. I’m pretty sure this is what gave her the awful idea.
Feel you. I got accused by my brother in law of being some kind of psychopath for not wanting Santa in the house.
In their house, my sister is already using the threat of Christmas big brother against any minor hijinks that their kid gets up to.
I have a three year old, so unfortunately, I have another 4 years of this nonsense ahead of me.
Why is anyone interested in anything?
My nephew was obsessed with Teslas a few years ago. I asked him why, his response? The indicators can be set to make fart noises.
My 7 year old daughter and I watch Mark’s videos together and they have helped to spark her interest in engineering & science.