• bouh@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    You’re trying to read too much into this.

    When the state doesn’t work for enough people anymore, it collapses into fascism. It always does. Unless it collapses to foreign forces of course.

    Accelerationism at this point is merely an argument for liberals to convince people who are not fascists to support their liberalism as a lesser danger.

    It won’t work. Liberalism will have to do something, not the people who don’t believe the bullshit anymore. And interestingly, throughout history, liberals always choose fascism over anything else that would remove them some power.

    So don’t pretend it’s up to the leftists to choose. You, the liberals, did this to the world. Time to open your eyes.

    Liberalism is responsible for this fascist doom, not the left. That’s not only true for the US. That’s also true for all of Europe. Liberals vanquished the left. Now is the time to fight fascism. That’s what you earned. The left will fight. Will the liberals do it?

    • TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      Accelerationism at this point is merely an argument for liberals to convince people who are not fascists to support their liberalism as a lesser danger.

      You make me mad. You make me mad because you’ve deluded yourself into believing fatalistic death cult BS, willing to drag other people down with you. Liberals might be deluded and wrong, but you’re honestly worse. Liberals are more open minded than you, more hopeful than you, and believe in building a popular coalition. I don’t care if you recognize capitalism is bad, you’re not helping anyone do anything about it.

      “Eat shit and die” is what I’m hearing from your empty justifications for inaction. I’ve barely started living my life, and you’re saying “it just needs to end. Sorry. Nothing to be done.” I like my life, unlike you apparently, so I’m going to reject your ideas emphatically.

      Fuck your opinion. Just like fascist dribble, it deserves no respect.

      • bouh@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        You don’t understand. I did not deluded myself to anything. I abandoned a system that’s working against so many people.

        The question is not for the left whether to support liberals or fascists. The question is for liberals whether to support socialism or fascism. It’s the people in power who get to choose. And liberals are in power for so many decades that they have no excuse for the shit we’re in now.

        • TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world
          7 months ago

          The system is broken, fucked, dysfunction, shitty, and unacceptable. That doesn’t change the fact that it’s better than openly genocidal fascism. I might die under Democrats; I will die under Republicans.

          We inherently lack freedom of choice on most things. You don’t choose the class of your parents. You don’t choose your gender, sex, attraction, neurotypicality, ethnicity, race, culture, or access to learning as a child. You have to play the cards you’re given.

          In a purely descriptive sense, Republican control will result in every bad thing that would happen under Democrats, plus all the promises they’re making about LGBTQ genocide, absurd deregulation, removal of every social program, invading Mexico, targeted prosecution of political threats, and mandatory fascist propaganda in schools. Those are just some of consequences id Republicans win.

          The cost of the 2nd amendment is thousands of deaths from guns every year that wouldn’t have happened without it. 2nd amendment advocates constantly ignore that consequence. If you try to show it to them, they mentally cannot perceive it. They ignore the costs and live in the delusion that they get a free lunch. A lot of conservative logic hinges on ignoring “externalities,” that they don’t personally have to deal with. They love talking about basic economics, but their supposed worldview cannot accept it.

          Even the cynical conservatives are often living a delusion. They recognize the direct pain they cause to poor people, but they fail to recognize the long term cost of their behavior. Encouraging global fascism has the adorable effect of increasing the risk of global conflict. Just as most liberals ignored the fascism that capitalism leads to, fascists ignore the serious war that nationalism leads to.

          Modern war between nations cannot be won by the participants. Liberals aren’t much better on this front, nor are many socialists for that matter. The reality is that we need deescalation or everyone might lose. We don’t just need to not accelerate, we need to slam on the breaks. The odds are stacked against success, but fueling the fire is joining the global death cult that fascists and liberals are unwittingly leading.

          In short, you’re thinking small like humans are designed to do. Humans are dangerous, so not trying to exploit them isn’t just morally right, but prudent.

          • bouh@lemmy.world
            7 months ago

            I’m not fueling any fire. It’s already burning, and voting for liberals is what fuels the fire.

            You’re talking about US politics. Isn’t the situation dire already? Republican already are indirectly supporting Russian war, fomenting civil war, and destroying people rights. Are you telling me that media are overstating all of this? That the situation is fine actually and it can go like this for many more years yet?

            How did it got better with Biden in 3 and a half year?

            It would have been worst is always the predicament of the liberals. Everything else is worse. There is no alternative. But it’s a dead end. And we’re on the wall already.

            Supporting the liberals is fighting those who want to make a better world. It’s supporting fascism.

            And to get back to the subject : not voting is a right, and it is the only vote that doesn’t support fascism.

              • bouh@lemmy.world
                7 months ago

                So you’re actually the desperate one if you think that not voting this election is committing suicide.

                • TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world
                  7 months ago

                  Yes. I am desperate to live. That’s a virtue, not a vice.

                  At the end of the day, you just have an inaccurate view of reality. You’re motivated by anger to think prolonging liberalism isn’t worth it because it’s a shit worldview that should be destroyed. I agree that it sucks and should be replaced, but I recognize that empowering fascism has no real upside. It doesn’t matter what liberalism “deserves,” as blame is only useful in guiding us to real justice. Mechanically, what is the best strategy for minimizing harm and maximizing well being?

                  • bouh@lemmy.world
                    7 months ago

                    The liberals are empowering fascism. Which is the problem you seem blind to.

                    But as always liberals will never be accountable for their faults, and when fascism rise they blame it on the left. Exactly as you’re doing.