i wouldn’t normally be concerned since any company releasing a VR product with this price tag is obviously going to fail… but it’s apple and somehow through exquisite branding and sleek design they have managed to create something that resonated with “tech reviewers” and rich folk who can afford it.

what’s really concerning is that it’s not marketed as a new VR headset, it’s marketed by apple and these “tech reviewers” as the new iphone, something you take with you everywhere and do your daily tasks in, consume content in etc…

and it’s dystopian. imagine you are watching youtube on this thing and when an ad shows up, you can’t look away, even if you try to they can track your eye movement and just move the window, you can’t mute it, you certainly cannot install adblock on it, you are forced to watch the ad until it satisfies apple or you just give up and take out the headset.

this is why i think all these tech giants (google meta apple etc) were/are interested in the “metaverse”. it holds both your vision and your hearing hostage, you cannot do anything else when using it but to just use the thing. a 100% efficiency attention machine, completely blocking you from the outside world.

i’m not concerned about this iteration as much as people are not hyped about this iteration. just like how people are hyped about the next apple vision, i’m more worried about the next iterations with somewhat lower price tag and better software availability. i hope it flops and i know it probably won’t achieve any sort of mainstream adoption even if it’s deemed a success because it probably can’t get less bulky and look less dorky, but the possibility is still worrying. what are your thoughts?

  • pelletbucket@lemm.ee
    6 months ago

    giant companies try stupid marketing techniques like this all the time. when they’re moronic and nobody can afford them, they fail.

    I don’t think I’ve seen a single normal tech reviewer that didn’t talk about serious drawbacks to the platform. the only people who are sucking apple’s dick are those frou-frou amalgamated tech click harvesters that always suck the big corporations’ dicks. like the Verge

  • C4d@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    People will rip off the headsets if the ads are too intrusive and annoying. Which is why they’ll either be dead subtle, or they’ll offer you paid ways to avoid them.

    I don’t think there’ll be mass adoption of this either way, mainly because it’s an expensive gadget coming at a time when folks on median incomes are feeling the pinch.

    • bionicjoey@lemmy.ca
      8 months ago

      Which is why they’ll either be dead subtle, or they’ll offer you paid ways to avoid them.

      Apple are masters of subtle corporate propaganda. They’ve indoctrinated a generation of people to believe Android is their enemy by making their messages show up in a less readable colour in the messaging app.

      • Nix@merv.news
        8 months ago

        No one cares about the color the care about the fact that if the color is green that means sending videos will be garbage quality and they can’t reduce texts over data and can’t FaceTime or get replies in line. Which is fair because androids somehow still use sms and they finally started getting rcs with encryption and now google already started using the data for their ai

      • cheese_greater@lemmy.world
        8 months ago

        The blue message shit is just peak Apple bullshit. Signal’s messages are blue to, hopefully they continue to be more popular. Its so much better in every dimension and it actually preserves one’s privacy much better

  • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆@lemmy.ml
    8 months ago

    Not really worried about this kind of stuff at all. At the end of the day, it’s not like it’s some essential thing people need to live. People have been worrying that every new piece of technology is going to ruin society. This was said about books, raidio, tv, video games, and so on. I don’t think AR tech is going to be any different.

    I imagine that at some point the tech will get miniaturized to the point where AR headsets are basically like glasses. That’s when mass adoption is likely to start happening. I’m also sure there will be open versions of such headsets that can run Linux. It’s just a new more immersive UX, I don’t think it’s anything to get worked up over.