As the message says, the PS5 doesn’t support any Bluetooth audio. It doesn’t matter if it’s made by Sony, you cannot connect audio devices to a PS5 via Bluetooth.
Ps4 does, what pepega shit is this
(It is a meme I stole I am not currently attempting to connect a headset, but I am nonetheless bothered by ps5s lack of bluetooth)
Most likely they’d have to pay royalties to use Bluetooth software on their device, and they deemed the cost too high. The same thing is true for HDMI and other things. They’re proprietary, so sometimes devices won’t support it so they don’t have to pay royalties. (Unrelated, but I honestly don’t understand how HDMI still exists though with DisplayPort being available without the licensing costs. It just controls so much of the market that it can’t die.)
why do companies want to pay royalties for hdmi when display port is better
I like the physical plug for display port more too. Is it just because there isn’t some LLC pushing adoption of display port like there is for HDMI?
99% of the people I know have no clue what Display Port is, while even my tech-illiterate grandparents know about HDMI.
The people you’re ultimately selling to are more important than almost anything else in the equation.
There was a point where hdmi was new too. DisplayPort is superior, it should be the new standard
After Apple , Sony is the hardware tech company that I hate the most. They have always had retrograde and protectionist thinking with their products like Nintendo.Betamax x VHS war was a great example
The vita was amazing, but destroyed by the stupid proprietary memory cards that were obscenely expensive
I wonder how much of the world’s resources Sony has poured into their own proprietary formats that didn’t catch on because they kept them proprietary, from Betamax to Memory Stick.