Wow writing my suck s
I wish my handwriting was this good, it still looks the same as when I was in 3rd grade
I’m very sorry but I don’t like your k, it looks like a |e
That’s a handsome pair of Ks, brother.
Bad way to write cursive k in running (me criticising writing with my drunk spider on a sheet)
I see what you’re going for, but that doesn’t look anything like what you wrote, the first one looks like you wrote an ‘e’ and stuck a line out of the middle of the top of it.
You know what? You’re right, I’m sorry for busting your balls about it. Thanles for being a good sport.
Federated Miiverse when?
How did you write the title? Though I do think this person needs help, I’m very sorry I’m unable to help.
Handwritten nost?
Man I wish I had handwriting that nice
Need a font? Just make your own. Turn your handwriting into its own font. Problem solved.
Man I can read that, i have studied enough physics and maths to read that…
Tap for spoiler
Lambda Omicron uhmm… PI omicron nu, Delta epsilon nu
Mu L lambda alpha? Omega epsilon lambdq lambda rho nu l kappa alpha?
Yea that never appeared as any constants in maths or physics
I love this because you can’t just put it in google translate (I still have no idea what this says)
wow, I didn’t think that it would recognize handwriting so well, but I already used the greek keyboard in android and typed it into deepl
Well, I don’t speak Greek.
Is that Ukrainian?
It’s greek to me.
Listen here, you little shit
Dach chi siarad Gymraeg?
אתה יכול גם לכתוב בעברית?
That’s pretty good actually
How about booting from a live USB, copying the font from that to the main drive?
Edit: If possible it might be easier to chroot over and just use your package manager instead.
average bloat free user
Gotta debloat
That’s not hand written