• MystikIncarnate@lemmy.ca
    7 months ago

    We made it up.

    We made all of it up.

    While I still identify as a man, with the same generals genetalia, I think I more identify as a Vulkan. Limiting my experience based on whether I have a penis or I don’t have a penis is illogical. All persons regardless of their physical or mental gender identity should be treated as equal. While there’s some biological/physical differences between the sexes, through training, hard work and preparation, either can perform any role except in regards to procreation. So if the matter has no bearing on creating progeny, I don’t see what difference it makes.

    Furthermore, if you choose to engage in activities where procreation is not the intent, I further see no point in the differentiation. It only serves two main purposes: biological reproduction and providing a sense of comfort to oneself. While there is no fault in wanting to be comforted by identifying as a man/woman/or other gender you wish to identify as, it is purely for that purpose. Others, whether they agree with your decisions or not, should respect your decision; if for no other reason than to allow you to be comfortable. That is logical.

    For me, it would be illogical to be angered or otherwise discontented by being misgendered, as such things are of no importance to me. On the same note, I should have enough respect for my fellow persons to adhere to whatever they wish to use as their pronouns, and how they have chosen to identify themselves. I am always trying to ensure I respect the people I interact with, and use whatever language they prefer when referring to them. You are a person deserving of respect, to do less would be unacceptable.

    Further, I can not comprehend why anyone would care whether another individual prefers a specific gender identity relative to their genetalia. It seems like an irrational issue that only exists in the mind of those that would complain about it. Those people should take some time in mediation, perhaps with the assistance of a professional therapist, to get to the root of their prejudice. They will have a more satisfying and fulfilling existence if they stop spending so much time concerned about matters which do not involve them, and have no bearing on their life.

    I wish you all the best. Live long, and proper.