• TankovayaDiviziya@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    I’m no longer religious, but I probably would not be the person I am were it not for Catholic teachings. It was probably in Catholic school which taught me that you don’t have to prove anything to anyone. This advice complements my maverick and individualistic personality but it isn’t to say that I haven’t had insecurities and not minded what others think. I was also taught to be compassionate and humble. However, the last two could only go so far as I learned growing up that it led me to being a figurative door mat for others.

    Nevertheless, all of those doesn’t excuse the Catholic church’s corruption and sexual abuse scandals. The Catholic church also, up until recently, force left handed folks to be right handed. That is one of the weirdest superstitions and beliefs that the Catholic church has. Oh and the Catholic church is still impractically anti-divorce.