I was just joking that a battleship class vessles is sometimes referred to as a science and exploration vessel by The Federation
I was just joking that a battleship class vessles is sometimes referred to as a science and exploration vessel by The Federation
Given the snow, he probably appreciates the extra insulation
There’s one strap around his neck, and I would assume at least one or two more that are fastened behind his forelegs, and around his ribcage. The bun stays flat when the dog squats, creating an unintentional awning for the poo and pee.
^ this is all conjecture on my part, but that is how I would design the thing. It’s basically a dog harness with poofy bits added to it and stuffed with batting.
And my own Sovereign Class “Science Vessel”
Rush Titans, make a Behemoth Planetcraft or five, or just one Systemcraft. Even the Blokkats can’t handle that level of firepower. The fleet power isn’t a number anymore. Just a white skull
Use gnome powder to shrink, go behind the counter, kick his ass and get your money back.
You’re/they’re just paraphrasing Chaucer
Not in the outside, but the rear releases are hidden in the door well under a vanity mat
TIL Will Ferrell was trying to look like the lead singer of Prodigy, with his character in Zoolander.
Cathode Ray Tubes were just the best solution for the time. We got more efficient later.
What is happening in panel 4?
Nope. Even Fortran programers hate that vile language.
Alternatively, if sound worked in a vacuum, the way light does, The Sun would be the loudest thing in the solar system.
I suppose one could make some short term money by making an EV → Hybrid conversion kit…
B-2 then not B-12. You want riboflavin. I always mix those two up.
Shove 500-1000 mg of vitamin B-2 down the kids throat every day. In less than a week, they’ll stop getting bitten at all.
I have type -O and have never experienced the itching the previous commenter indicated. I also rarely get bitten, thanks to vitamin B-2
Vitamin B-2 in high doses is your friend! You literally cannot overdose on the stuff, and you’ll start sweating it out. You’ll know it is working when your skin smells faintly like the B-12 tablets. At that point all the mosquitos, ticks, fleas, and chiggers can smell is the riboflavin seeping out your pores. Since the biting insects can’t smell your blood, they don’t bite! They will still crawl on you, so check each other for ticks, fleas, etc. when you come out of tall grass/ wooded areas.
96 charges, 34 convictions so far
That’s fair. I’m relying on The Federation’s technophilia to give you a technological wedgie 5/6 times, and leave you wondering what the heck I just did. 😆