Male highschooler living in Indiana. I like programming and music (production / listening), and take interest into urbanism, leftism, and other “cool and based” -isms.
Also check out my personal website.
Mine gives me an infinity symbol in Firefox iOS
(Hey, psst…. !
The first OS I recall using is Windows 7 (yes I’m young), and for Linux, I switched from Windows 11 to Linux Mint, which is what I use in the present day.
This can be solved by using a napkin
(Or just not caring about the problem anyhow)
Assuming the peeps represent atoms, plasma would probably involve guts floating about furiously
I wonder how the lunar volvelles worked
Sounds like it’s based on the moon obviously, so what happens if it’s below the horizon or in the new moon phase?
Aren’t both “natural”? Why is having your forearm bones crossed unnatural if that’s literally the point of having two of ‘em?
iOSer here, basically the same here too