• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I see two ureters running from the kidneys to the bladder, one ureter cut, bladder pushed to right side. Urethra runs from bladder on top of vagina. Some dissection knowledge present.

    Vulva and pubic mound are present, if not terribly well drawn. There may be some influence of vulva as a mouth.

    Ovaries are present as is uterus. Muscular nature of uterus is shown along with fetus.

    Clitoris seems to be missing.

    There are extra pipes all over, with some going to the wrong locations, and things seem to be linked to the liver. The liver being involved is likely due to whatever medical theories were prevalent at the time, humors maybe.

    I would assume that the artist likely took a lot of inspiration from animal entrails.

    Ignorance isn’t the same as stupid. Looks like a lot of thought was put into it. I would view this more as an early map than as an attempt at realism.

  • Machinist@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneMetal rule
    13 days ago

    More often than not, I meet another metalhead, instant brother or sister. Tend to be cool people.

    We moved this summer using an old box truck. Had a breakdown in the middle of Ohio, stuck at a gas station, no cans or uber. Totally told a kid that was gothed up and covered in tats, “Are you a metalhead? Metalheads are cool people, my kid and I are broke down and need a ride.” Joey was very cool, gave us a ride to the parts store and a hotel, wouldn’t take my money. He likes that Screamo stuff that I’m not real into, we both agree that Maiden, cool jazz, and OTEP are the tits.

    For the few assholes: the Dead Kennedys said it best.

  • Machinist@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldI was only gone for a day or two...
    20 days ago


    This bullshit doesn’t help your cause at all. I’m the rare omnivore that is actually sympathetic to moral issues of factory farmig and animal suffering.

    You need to like unfuck your head and try to turn down whatever preaching you’re listening to. That’s some bad religion that’s got ahold of you.

    You’re no different than those ‘pro-life’ whack jobs.

  • Machinist@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldI was only gone for a day or two...
    20 days ago

    There it is.

    So, as an ignorant teenager, cleaning chicken houses of rotten corpses and chicken shit for $5/hr: I was actually fucking those chickens? I was kid chicken raper? The steers I raised in elementary school, I suppose I fucked them as well.

    See, that’s the thing. I saw how bad it was and have worked and saved for many years so I will no longer have to participate in a system that involves industrial suffering.

    But nope, I’m totally such a raper. Fuck you and your sanctimonious bullshit. You don’t know me or my circumstances. I know plenty of Southern Baptists and Church of Christ that spew this same shit. Y’all would get along real well, if you only listened to your tones and didn’t pay attention to the words.

    Fucking fanatics can suck my fucking balls, all y’all the same.

  • Machinist@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldI was only gone for a day or two...
    20 days ago

    Here on Lemmy I’ve been accused of torturing and raping animals as I’m unashamedly an omnivore. I’m a hunter as well.

    I worry about animal suffering enough that we’ve bought a small farm and hope to raise all our own meat. I’ve actually worked on factory farms and know firsthand the suffering of animals under that system.

    However, there are fanatical vegans on Lemmy that do a fantastic job of driving away those of us sympathetic to vegan ethics and morality.

  • I did it with a raspberry pi 4 and direct installs. If I had it to do over again, I would have a more powerful small server and use docker inages. There are a lot of docker guides out there but I don’t have experience with it yet.

    I had to do a bunch of complicated stuff like mounting my remote storage and such. I’ve been playing with Linux a long time. If you’re not experienced with Linux, I’d do docker.

    You start getting setup with Usenet, gimme a holler and I’ll send you a drunken slug invite. It’s the best indexer I’ve found, and I think I’ve let all my other indexers lapse.

    Do a bunch of reading before you start, before you purchase anything.

  • For a large chunk of my career, I worked in aerospace and ‘defense’ machining. Made all kinds parts for all kinds of weapons, it was really cool! Murica! As I got older, I lost my religion, I lost the far right brainwashing I was raised with.

    My hands were making weapons that the US government was often selling to other countries. My hands were making weapons to kill various groups of brown people all over the world. It really began to bother me.

    I no longer make things to kill people.

    Yes, you are culpable for the effects of what you produce in your profession. A thinking person should consider the effects of their work.

  • I’ve got a bunch of horror stories that take some detail to explain, but I remember a couple moments of shock in particular.

    Was actually a Methodist service, Easter Sunday. it was when they cut a baby lamb’s throat and it bled. It was great special effects with a real lamb but children started crying.

    Also, the time we all went to see Passion of the Christ, 9:00 or 10:00pm showing. There was a mother smacking the shit out of her toddler for crying when the torture started. I’m a different person now and would put a stop to something like that now.

  • Holy cow! I have my TST card and everything. Kink has been incredibly important to my girl and I building a feeling of community.

    Was in the hospital once. My family organized prayer circles and shit and I had to shut off Facebook. Then they tried to do some deathbed conversion shit while I was on heavy opiates. I giggled at the guy they sent to my room and called him an alien. The kink community brought my girl, and our former partner, food and ran errands for us. Ran interference with the hospital over our poly realtionship. The kink community took care of my people when I couldn’t.

    Like any other community, it has its problems, but has been pretty wholesome.

    I bet you and I would get along well.

  • Machinist@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldif we were all judged like that..
    2 months ago

    “see how any religion applies?!”

    Atheist of fundamentalist protestant extraction. Aren’t like some of the Buddhists pretty cool? Especially the Zen Buddhists. Also, Sikhs seem cool. And the Jainists.

    I could totally be wrong. Organized religion is a terrible thing in almost all of my experience.

    Wiccans have been real cool in my experience. They have really fun orgies.

  • Oh man. I was stoned for like three years straight delivering pizza. Quit using a map after just s couple of months. Had it all memorized.

    It was fun for a while.

    '97 ranger with an I4, drive a '98 with a V6 these days. Put a system better than I wanted back then in my current Ranger.

    Everybody was real fucking high including the manger. Smoking in the walkin, smoke in the office after close. Smoke a cigarette anywhere after close. A pack of Luckies and a pack of Newports in the truck.

    Drugs, girls, crazy shit. Pulled a knife once cause I was too young to carry a gun. Got laid a few times cause I was the pizza guy, stereotypes are a thing, and it was convenient. Still have my leather jacket all these years later.