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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 20th, 2024


  • Nope, come on man are you kidding me (?) and disagree again.

    I agree that maybe you can’t but that doesn’t make it true or not. The last Conservative government of great Britain showed themselves to be utterly corrupted by greed and capitalism. They didn’t even have to pretend not to rip the entire country off during the covid pandemic.

    Even then, its not “more” or less than the US. My point is just that capitalism corrupts all governments, to one extent or another, because its incompatible with democracy.

    If there is a top, in terms of money or having things etc., then it isn’t communism.

  • Please name which country in Europe has a government thats hasn’t been bought and paid off.

    Of course, no one can. Unfortunately, that’s because capitalism is incompatible with actual democracy. Theres isn’t a country in the world whos democratic process and systems of governance hasn’t been utterly corrupted by capitalism and all that it brings with it.

    If there’s a top that someone could rise to, it isn’t communism.

  • Same but some of my friends i went to uni with is a moron who went on to do a PhD…

    Its like having your work marked and, if they don’t Iike it, they’ll just say like “not clear enough” or “needs more research” and deny its publication.

    I mean, what they meant was “you haven’t addressed Dr Y et. al.'s critique of that particular essay’s attempt at modelling the disease you’re researching” but they’re not just going to come out and tell you that. That would be too easy.

    Every now and then I feel like I can hear them muttering some kind of highly expletive death threat at reviewer number 3.

  • My favourite part about “woke” is that, at its heart, its just an anonymous authority fallacy.

    If you look up the actual meaning of “woke”, in this context, wiki or anything reputable will tell you it means to be aware of and not want to perpetuate discrimination in society. So, not being allowed to fire someone just for being gay would fall under the definition of “woke.”

    Now, conservatives will tell you "no, we don’t mean that stuff. Thats just “common sense.” You see, we all had a big meeting and we decided, as one, that this right here is common sense. However, everything past this over here, thats all woke nonsense that we don’t like…

    Of course, that meeting never took place.

    What, can’t you understand what were saying here? How come we all know what we mean by common sense and you don’t? You’re not stupid are you?..

    So simple and obvious that they, apparently, can’t explain or define their own meaning.