Dude, move it to the left!
Left from the outside perspective, or inside perspective? j/k doesn’t matter it only goes right
The window on the left isn’t even labeled.
Ironic since the left is often criticized of being overly concerned with labels
Surprisingky in tact after being moved so much
Don’t know if it translates good to english:
Observed from an outside standpoint, it is close to the right edge.
Von außen betrachtet ist es nah an der rechten Ecke.
It’s not there anymore.
How the hell do you shift that at all?
this is the key:
A little help, please?
See Overton Window [Wikipedia]. It’s something to keep in mind in the face of extreme discourse (like, say, a Nazi salute on live TV) before dismissing it as irrelevant.
that looks surprisingly pleasant
Don’t know if it translates good to english:
Observed from an outside standpoint, it is close to the right edge.
Von außen betrachtet ist es nah an der rechten Ecke.