Broke into some noble’s house to investigate a murder and stole a bunch of stuff while I was at it, ironically yet stealthily stabbing a guard in the neck with a dagger so I wouldn’t get caught while discovering a secret chamber in the basement that led to ancient catacombs beneath the town, which ultimately led to ancient and mummified remains alongside golden chalices and crosses I absolutely pillaged and fully intend to sell for ducats, the significance of which I’m still unsure of.
Rolling up the contents of a town into a big, sticky ball.
Definetly feels like it should be illegal
I’ve been playing Paradox games, so I’m probably going straight to the Hague and deserving it
Placing a billion conveyor belts, strip mining a planet with no regard to the pollution I caused, and full scale genocide against the native bugs who already lived there.
Sorry, biters, I gotta launch my rocket.
Excessive use of portable mini nukes?
Beating wild animals into submission, capturing them and putting them to work in a shack I built in the woods.
Trafficking humans, putting them in tiny 1x1m cages where they cannot sit, force them to do cheap labour, separate their children at birth, and kill them if they are too expensive…
Fuck I love Minecraft!
I was expecting Rimworld at this point NGL
Me too.
Shit now I wanna play rimeorld
Spreading democracy for the glory of Super Earth!
For democracy!
I didn’t realise our poaching laws were that severe
I rank my games on their fishing mini games. Fishing games are terrible though.
Strip mining a planet, refining raw materials, building factories, and researching new technology. All to build a rocket to get off said planet.
Mass murder by axe. I killed several hundred looters in one day. Everyone thanked me though.
Arson, murder, murder, murder, vigilantism, murder, arson, environmental damage, arson, murder, possible war crimes (Fallout 76 doesn’t really have laws I suppose), murder…
Destroying a coal mine with magic
Spreading democracy