First I would like to provide some context for my question. I live in a suburb in a “flyover state” and also see wealth inequality as the problem to solve for. For more information on why I feel this way, see just about any video by Gary Stevenson:
I think it is safe to assume that in the next 4 years, wealth inequality will not be addressed even verbally at the national level. I suspect most states will not attempt to address this issue either. I think suburban city councils are absolutely an option for near term changes and could even be a perfect place to start. I think the odds of a major company or billionaire showing up to protest any local changes in a smaller town are relatively small.
I propose that we as a society should be able to attend a city council meeting and suggest legislation similar to the following:
Any single family home owned by either a company or an individual who does not live in the same state should have a large property tax applied to it.
My thinking is that no company should ever own a single family home (if you’re a builder making a new home give them a window of like 1 year to sell it or something similar). If there are companies owning homes, they would be incentivized to sell the property. Large numbers of properties being dumped by businesses would lower housing costs locally. This would in turn lead to more locals having money to spend (hopefully locally, but you never know). I think the locality of their spending should probably be emphasized in a sales pitch to a city council. Businesses who refuse to sell will be paying large local taxes that the city could spend on the countless things that a city needs to operate but is currently underfunded. I guarantee you the local government has projects they want to do but can’t afford. Here is their solution. I do think that if businesses are refusing to sell, that means they are charging tenants the increased tax, and the property tax was set too low. The tax has to be high enough that businesses sell the property or else I don’t think this works.
The number of businesses or individuals affected by this new tax is probably really low for any given city. If you imagine a small town there are only going to be so many companies owning single property homes (less than 10?) same story with wealthy out of state home owners (less than 20?) The total number of homes in the area is going to be much larger though so there should be a sizeable and noticable impact. I use out of state as the qualifier for individuals as it is pretty easy to ask for a local driver’s license as proof you live in the state, and to my knowledge states don’t let you carry IDs from multiple states. You only live in 1, you only have 1 ID, and you always have it with you so it should be easy enough to enforce.
People/businesses who don’t comply could have their property foreclosed on, then auctioned off to a state resident with proceeds again going to the city. I think the pushback would be that this is anti business. To which I would agree and say yes, businesses have no business owning single family homes, that is what citizens do. These citizens will have more money to spend locally which will attract more businesses and pay more local taxes. Money from local citizens going to major businesses who pass earnings on to investors is how local money gets exported out of the community and is not business we want owning our homes. It also diminishes the ability of locals to spend at local businesses.
My hopes is that Lemmy can help poke holes in this plan and provide solutions to the holes. Perhaps you see a better way to present this idea. Perhaps better ideas are proposed. Perhaps you see a smarter solution. Something needs to change, and I want the best odds of successfully bringing about change for the better. I want my kids to be able to buy a house some day. At this rate, that won’t happen. We need a solution, and maybe this is a start.
I think anyone should only be allowed to own, say, $10 million in assets. Not just money in the bank, but items too. Need to prevent them from keeping $10 mil in pocket and buying art and jewelry and real estate worth a total of $6 billion.
Firstly, I think your focus on housing is too narrow to solve wealth inequality.
Second, if landlords are handed a $100 monthly tax bill they tend to increase their tenants rent by $100 a month.
Third, you ignore the effects this will have on new home construction, which will be SEVERE.
Fourth, and this is a minor thing, I think when discussing housing policy we should always be trying to disincentivize suburban sprawl snd incentivize density. Having more people own single family homes is not necessarily a great thing, maybe better than having corporations rent them out but not as good as having more dense walkable transit filled urban cores. I’d even go so far as to say that while having people own condos is best, having people rent apartments is still better (on a large scale) than having people own single family houses.
nothing will work, The wealthy will just raise prices of their products and services to cover any expenses, tax and etc. it is the consumers that will pay indirectly.
Unless there is a cap on how much wealth, property, income or salary anyone can have. People will probably find loopholes.
Income tax, capital gains tax, wealth tax, VAT on purchases over the median value increasing with price, property tax, inheritance tax, corporate taxes, etc
Mostly remove tax cuts of the last several decades. They mostly cut taxes on the highest owners: let’s not. Imagine if wealthy people had to pay at least the same tax rates as everyone else!
Order them to pay. Incarcerate them if they don’t.
It works for poor people.
Obviously limit inheritence and gifts to family. Nobody should be inheriting a billion dollars.
I think severe rent control would go a long way to solving the problem here in the UK.
Make it unprofitable to exploit the fundamental need for shelter. It would allow people to build up savings and have more disposable income, so they can compete properly in the market.
It would lift up the people at the bottom at the same time as curtailing those at the top = less inequality.
It’s not like millionaires can take all the houses with them if decide to leave the country.
Rent control tends to decrease the supply of housing by making it unprofitable to build more. It turns into a lottery, massively helping the few who can find a good place but massively hurting those who can’t.
See how they did it in the 1950s. There’s your blueprint.
But also with better building regulations. Some of those houses were flimsy, asbestos filled pieces of crap.
As a past tax accountant.
I don’t believe a straight tax will get the job done. Taxation is too unpopular to be realistically effective, and will just have corners cut in very easy and direct ways. Mainly because the masses are too stupid to understand how taxes work. I have had countless times people ask me a tax question after knowing I work in tax, I’ll answer their question, and the answer is the same thing every fucking time no matter if its a friend, coworker, family, etc. “No that is wrong, what I think is correct actually”. It is infuriating.
I think there are three effective ways to tackle wealth inequality.
Give workers ownership along with their wage. The ‘owners’ will of course have a bigger cut than the workers, but the current hoarding of ownership is what I think the key issue is. Our idea of ownership is the root cause.
Lobbying/bribes. We all know why this is bad, but it happens. Until this is fixed wealth inequality will never be fixed.
Loans. It is so easy for the wealthy to receive a good deal on a loan. Only because they already have money and the loan is not necessary. We need to limit loans on people who already have one successful business. Why are we allowing people who have prospered receive more money without more scrutiny? That is the definition of greed. As long as their BS and IS look okay to a bank, they will get approved with little to no follow up.
Distributions. In the US, when filing as a S-corp, they will receive no income tax. This is because they are then required to have the owners be paid a ‘fair’ wage to themselves. Why? Because payroll taxes are more compared to income taxes in this scenario. Problems arise when owners will obviously abuse what is a ‘fair’ wage. Lets say an owner gives himself a 30k wage because that is what is ‘fair’. There is nothing stopping him from withdrawing 100,000 in contributions a year, and distributions are tax free with literally no oversight. The only checks and balances for this is they might have a basis issue later in life, but honestly that is a pretty small fine for essentially having all the tax free income they want as long as their biz is doing good.
*This is based off my experience as tax accountant/consultant for small businesses with less than 20 employees 2 years ago. Tax laws have changed since then.
Any attempts to implement new taxes are going to hit the middle class the hardest as the wealthiest have the money to be able to move and organize their wealth to achieve maximum tax avoidance. Meanwhile the guy hustling to provide a few rentals to college kids. Or the unlucky couple who lost both sets of parents in the same year are going to see huge burdens because they don’t necessarily have a lot of income but have “wealth”
US income tax is only unpopular because of the onerous filing requirements. Most wage earners could get they tax statement mailed to them by the IRS but the Tax Prep Duopoly (Intuit and HR Block) lobby against this as do the “starve the beast” crowd.
It’s really not so difficult to file your taxes if all you are a W2 earner and maybe a 1099 for interest income. (Which is the majority)
My state had direct file for the first time and so I was able to file for free, from the web, without any 3rd party software and it was so simple and I got my return in a week.
We need to make this available in all 50 states and advertise it. HR Block can kiss my ass
Not in my experience. Seeing a large fraction of their paychecks taken out for taxes causes rage for some people.
Also I’m interested in solving wealth inequality. I’d prefer the 1940’s style income tax with the insanely high brackets at the extreme high end (90% tax was it?)
I have some followup questions your ideas.
Workers are getting an ownership stake. Are workers also liable when the company loses money? Today this only falls on the owner. If there is a negative cashflow situation, the owner has to inject more of their own money into the operation or the business will close. Many times this money comes from cash earned during fat times to be able to keep the company afloat during the lean times. If workers are taking a portion (above and beyond payroll of course) of the profits during fat years, will they also be liable for fronting cash to keep the business going in a lean year?
I support the end of lobbying. No notes.
Are you talking about loans from governmental organizations like the city/state/fed intending to spur development or are you talking loans issued by banks? I assume bank loans, correct me if I’m wrong. If that’s the case we’d be setting laws on how one private organization can lend to another. My understanding of regulations on loans to date have only enabled loans to classes wrongfully historically excluded (such a loans denied to minorities under Redlining rules). I’m not finance expert, but can’t think if any laws that disable a banks ability to lend. Sure there are rules around maintaining bank liquidity and nonusurious interest rates, but those are just qualifications instead of ourtight bans of loans. This would be a new precedent wouldn’t it?
"There is nothing stopping him from withdrawing 100,000 in contributions a year, and distributions are tax free with literally no oversight. " Wouldn’t that $100k be counted as income and the owner to pay income tax on that? Are you making an example of a way that corporate taxes are not being paid?
I’m not finance expert, but can’t think if any laws that disable a banks ability to lend.
There’s tons of regulations like this attempting to combat money laundering or doing business with terrorist orgs, rogue nations, etc.
Thanks for reading through my post and with thoughtful followups.
I would say this would actually be up to the ‘owners’. I don’t want to restrict too much freedom of ownership, there is indeed a lot of risk when you are starting a business. So the owners would be able to select through a variety of business models. One model could be very similar with the stock market. So people’s ownership would go up and down with it, the dividends they receive would fluctuate depending on how well the biz is doing, etc. I have no specific plans on this, those details would need to be fleshed out at a later time. Right now I just want to make excuses and reasons to adopt this economic mindset. Because at the end of the day, as current events has shown, it really doesn’t matter how stupid/impractical ideas are, we can get them done if we really want to.
Yeah, I can’t imagine anyone disagreeing in good faith.
Yes, bank loans. You bring up a good point, another solution might be necessary. But I do want to solve the problem of already established business owners can EASILY receive a loan for a new business. I see this as a huge issue because this just means overtime, like what is happening right now, it will always be hard for entrepreneurs with no experience honestly just need to be lucky. There is only so much money that can go around, so of course banks will give it to those already established. This is not a bad thing in the short term, but I do see it as a problem in the long term. Just makes wealth inequality inevitable.
While distributions are not subject to payroll taxes, they are still subject to income tax at the individual level. The key difference is that distributions can be more tax-efficient than taking a salary, as they avoid payroll taxes. However, if an owner takes too little in salary and too much in distributions, they may attract IRS audit. We are starting to get into territory where only CPAs are really qualified/knowledgeable to talk about. I have been out of the industry for 2 years now so I am not confident my information is up to date anymore to provide additional detail.
I disagree, in good faith, with the end of lobbying. Emailing your congressperson is lobbying.
I totally agree with ending bribery, which is often thinly disguised as “lobbying” but is just honestly bribery.
I agree post war high marginal tax rates with large deductions for spending is the right way. We’ve solved this problem before. It’s the real “trickle down” because it’s forced spending.
Regarding #1, it can work the same way that company ownership works now (e.g. when you buy shares on the stock market). I don’t know how they inject money when times get tough but I’ve certainly never given them anything.
If you’re using the model publicly traded stock, when a company needs more money they issue more stock for sale the public. What this also does is devalue the existing stock in circulation. Assuming these suggestions go into law, that sounds like a massive loophole that owners could exploit.
As long as the price is fair, I don’t see why this should be a problem. It sounds like it should be mathematically equivalent to purchasing a percentage of everyone’s shares. So share value goes down because you’ve essentially “sold” some of it to someone else without changing the absolute number of shares you own.
As long as the price is fair, I don’t see why this should be a problem.
Fair to whom? The owner, the workers, or the new non-worker stock buyer?
Fair in the sense that both the buyer and “sellers” agree on the price.
If that’s the case the buyer and sellers would be fine, but the employees would be screwed. The workers shares would have been issued at a higher value. Lets say $10 per share. The owner could issue new stock at 1 penny per share and sell billions of shares to new non-worker buyers.
Hold a silent reverse auction. Whichever billionaires agree to the highest tax rate don’t get eaten. The new billionaire tax rate is whatever the uneaten billionaires agreed to.
Edit: Also, roll 4d10+50 and add it as a secret bid. If it happens to be the highest bid, eat all of the billionaires. This roll is the “public option” to prevent the billionaires from colluding to cheat the system.
A progressive wealth tax where at some amount of money your are taxed down to that amount. Billionaires shouldn’t exist.
Practically that is impossible unless the rest of the world agrees, otherwise they will just hide their wealth overseas.
This is why assets should be taxed in some way - like how government gets a cut on every share transaction or like by government owning ports leasing operations
Another discussion point that always comes up is “Jeff Bezos can’t pay that tax rate, it’s all tied up in shares of Amazon. He would have to sell huge portions of Amazon to keep up with the taxes.”
And yes. That is the intent.
But I’m not upset if folks would rather just eat him than deal with the logistics of it.
The one related semi reasonable complaint I’ve heard is if Bezos has say $20 billion in wealth, mostly stocks and other non-monetary assets, and gets assessed a wealth tax based on it, and then Amazon stock craters and he’s only worth $10 billion, he still has to pay tax as if his wealth is still $20 billion. Assessing taxes on assets is just tricky that way.
To which I counter: we already have a similar solution to a similar problem. Payroll tax withholding (or quarterly estimated taxes for the self-employed). Require Bezos to make deposits throughout the year based on his projected wealth, and then if his wealth drops and he over-contributed, he gets a refund.
Interfering with the housing market in that way will make companies build and sell less houses, because the business becomes more risky, so by keeping the supply low and demand high, they can make sure they will always be able to both sell the home in the required time frame, and with the profits they want. Or in the end, higher prices for consumers. Good luck with that.
As for rich people in general, most of them, AFAIK, actually built their wealth from ground up. Ofc their kids will inherit it without absolutely doing nothing, but that is nobodys fault, the parents want the best for their kids, and the kids would be stupid to go work some shitty job if they can afford a jump-start by for ex. buying and renting properties with parent’s money. In the end, someone did work hard to make it happen, over multiple generations sometimes.
Also, most people are simply financially not literate. They have no idea how the financial system works. If I buy a stock today, and its value increases by $10 in a day, and I sell it, I made $10 out of thin air. Try to explain to people how money gets created “seemingly out of thin air”. Most people will simply ignore it even though stocks are the one and only thing that rich people have that makes them rich. Everything else they own, like houses, yachts, cars etc… they are running costs that actually make you poorer. People who understand money make money. People who can pay people who understand money to manage their money make money.
As for rich people in general, most of them, AFAIK, actually built their wealth from ground up.
Why in the world would you think that’s the case? We could look up stats but we shouldn’t have to. You already realize that the children of self-made rich people will themselves become rich without any effort. Logically, it would follow that over generations there would end up being a much higher proportion of “descendants of self-made rich people” than “self-made rich people”.
So, how does you comment address wealth inequality? You mostly just defend landlords?
Wealth Inequality on it’s own, is a problem almost nobody but the middle, lower-middle and the poor will address. It has to start here. Nobody should amass the amount of money we see individuals possess. If someone understands how far a single million could stretch for someone (provided they’re responsible that is), they would understand how pointless it’d be for someone to have even 10 million or 100 million or even a single billion.
And if anyone gave two shits about the seven deadly sins, the idea of accumulating more money should be a more frowned-upon thing. But instead, gaining more money equals to you being more powerful than most. That’s not how things should ever be. There should be a cap of how much money you should realistically earn up to. We’ve already seen the damage and continuing to see the damage afflicted, by incredibly rich people. They’re too dangerous to be wielding that much.
That’s cool and all but you’re addressing the WHY and not the HOW.